Jungle info
You have to know that in the jungle country.
Wenn du ein Wochenend-Ticket hast, kannst du campen. Mit einem Tages-Ticket nicht. Das Campen ist frei.
Der Campingplatz öffnet am Donnerstag, 4. August um 10:00 Uhr. Keinen Moment früher.
Vor eurer Abfahrt von zu Hause bzw. vor Ankunft auf dem Tropen Tango, bitten wir euch, einen Corona-Schnelltest durchzuführen.
Waldbrandstufe A - kein offenes Feuer - Rauchverbot - Raucherinseln - Warnhinweise beachten
Waldbrandgefahr Wie auch 2018 haben wir Waldbrandgefahr, Waldbrandstufe A. Das bedeutet bis jetzt Rauchverbot, Raucherinseln, kein offenes Feuer, breite Brandschneisen, viel Wasser bevorratet, absolute Vorsicht. Vielleicht ändert sich noch etwas, da das Wetter sich gerade ändern soll.
Jedenfalls ist alles strohtrocken und jede weggeworfene Kippe, jedes im Wald herumstehende Glas kann einen Wald- oder Wiesenbrand auslösen.
Deswegen steht auf jeder Parzelle ein Feuerlöscher. In Kürze mehr.
Tatsächlich haben wir deswegen weniger Campingfläche als geplant.
Corona ist immer noch Thema. Wir wissen das alle. Deswegen erwartet ihr von uns und wir von euch, einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit eurer und unserer aller Gesundheit. Wir bitten euch, noch zu Hause einen Selbsttest durchzuführen. Am liebsten ist uns, ihr macht es wie die Crew und testet euch täglich freiwillig mit einem Schnelltest.
Fire safety Observe current information .
Forest fire No forest fire level.
Lightning protection
Medical tent There is help and paramedics.
Rescue points The current medical and emergency telephone numbers are there and plans posted.
Assembly points During evacuation measures, people gather at the 4 assembly points in an emergency
Escape routes The escape routes must always remain free for the immediate use of fire and rescue services. Always.
Water Water and showers are available at the water point.
Dixies keep your hands off the forest !!!! Use the dixies. Do not embarrass us, you, humanity. In addition, toilet paper in the forest is a high risk of fire, says climate change
Supermarket In Naststätten all - Aldi, Lidl, Penny, Rewe, etc., other shops, gas stations, pharmacies
In Lorch 1 Rewe, Tanke, Apotheke
Fire protection regulations A
VDE lightning protection information sheet
Important Don't be swallowed up by the black hole
Also important Botany. We are still a young festival, a delicate plant, exposed to the rough winds on lonely heights. This festival plant needs protection and care, loving attention (social awareness) and encouragement.
That is why we ask everyone to work together - as an organization, as a guest, as a fellow citizen and as a social environment. Art and festivals belong together, a good atmosphere never comes out of the retort, a good climate, and a good area either. We would like to encourage everyone involved to do everything that contributes to the success of our 3 glorious days.
And to leave everything that harms us. Everything hard and hurtful is supposed to stay at the gates of Tropic City up Wollmigart Highlands these days. Mutual respect and responsibility for others, younger, smaller, weaker, or even for ourselves should shape the most tropical of all tangos. 3 days for happiness.
youth Young people from 16 and under 18 years of age do not have to leave the event at midnight if they are accompanied by a person authorized to take care of themselves or have a parent or guardian. For under-16s, the Youth Protection Act requires such a person to be accompanied at all times when attending so-called dance events (Section 5, Paragraph 1 JuSchG). According to § 1 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 JuSchG, the person responsible for parenting is someone who, based on an agreement with the legal guardian (usually the parents), performs educational tasks and is at least 18 years old. This authorization must be presented in writing on request. That means, if you have a companion (sister, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend ...) with you who is over 18 years old, and your parents explain in an agreement that this person temporarily takes over their functions as custodian, you can attend the event by the agreed time.
Next door is such an agreement, which only needs to be filled in with your data.
It must be completed in full and is only valid in connection with your ID and the ID of the accompanying person.
A maximum of 2 people can be supervised per parenting officer.
Drugs Drugs are not tolerated on the festival site. We hold information brochures for the police.
Alcohol & People who are heavily drunk or drugged may be refused entry to the site by force . Any violence on the site will result in immediate eviction.
Glass bottles It is not permitted to take glass bottles or alcoholic beverages from the camping area onto the festival site.
Dogs Don't let any shit in the TT jungle and around it. Not even from your dogs, take care of them too, the forest is full of animals, your children will like it. You will also like the cows and horses in the meadows. Therefore, be nice to them and spare them from the things left behind by the dogs in the meadows. Don't throw sticks into the overgrown fields. They'll break the machines later - that's what we promised the farmer.
Keep an eye on your dogs. Don't let them run around in the village. Don't let them run around at all, there are children on the way. Aggressive dogs or those who don't like children: don't bring them with you. Nothing has happened so far, it has to stay that way.
In any case: your dog with your name and your mobile phone number. equip the collar or similar.
Lawn We have assured the TME soccer team that none of you and us will settle on this lawn. It is exclusively for the tropical tango kids. The instructions of the crew must be followed.
Crown corks The festival is free of crown corks. For 500 g crown caps there is 1 free drink.
Shopping No shops in Tropic City. Next supermarkets in Nastatten and Lorch.