Sub Tropen Tango 2021
Blubb - there it is. Swallowed by the whale for 18 months, now it has been spat out again. Indeed. 18 months in the Tran, now the turbines are started up again. If you are there. Yes.
It's a sub-tropical tango , not a tropical tango. From August 6th to 8th, 2021 . For you, with you, because of you. With us. Together. Let's get Tropic City up Wollmigart Highlands back on their feet. We want as much tropical tango as possible. But just sub.
We will celebrate the real, total tropical tango again in 2022. And the crew is now redesigning itself and using the concentrated effort in 2021 to be well prepared for 2022.
The ticket sales will begin in a few days, there will be a price. Everything is online. No hard tickets. No flyers, no print program. But Clopapier. Joy!! For everyone who can't be there, the livestream , so that everyone can be there.
Sub Tropen Tango 2021 is called a cautious test phase. Sub, because it is impossible to organize a normal tropical tango in 6 weeks, the planning of which usually takes 1 year. Many crew members and artists no longer expected events in the summer of 2021, were not in the country, were technically booked, and were lost in building their own homes.
Sub also because we want to keep things under control in Corona times, don't want to become a hotspot and want to guarantee our guests and crews a safe, healthy, nice time.
Sub because at the moment, due to the short time, under Corona conditions, the lack of financial prerequisites, we can under no circumstances manage a normal festival. And need the resources and preparation time for 2022.
That's why 500 guest tickets. That's why day tickets. So no camping. Therefore only 1 to 2 stages, maybe one floor. Therefore probably a shuttle service to Wiesbaden, therefore the attempt to work with regional transport companies.
It's a sub-tropical tango, not a tropical tango .
Notice Covid-19
Due to the corona pandemic, the necessary precautions and measures to protect the people involved must be taken at all meeting events. The current recommendations of the responsible government agencies and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are binding.
All planning is subject to the occurrence of the infection. If, in the opinion of the authorities and / or the organizers, the safety of the participants cannot be guaranteed, it can also be canceled at short notice.