Wiesbaden Courier May 16, 2019
Jürgen Helbing would like to remain mayor of Lorcher
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on May 16, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on May 16, 2019 at 3:20 am
Jürgen Helbing is applying for a third term in the Lorch town hall for the CDU. A senior citizen's facility and a medical care center are on his agenda.
Jürgen Helbing on the terrace of the Hilchenhaus: Its renovation is one of the highlights of his tenure. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
LORCH - With 60.8 percent of the vote, Jürgen Helbing won the mayoral election in Lorch in 2007 and replaced Günter Retzmann from the SPD, who had been in office for 18 years and then lost. Even then, he had planned with three periods in the town hall, he explains - and will therefore run again on May 26th. Helbing is happy to highlight what has been achieved so far: The reduction in the city's debt level from 23 million euros to 6.4 million euros is right at the top.
The CDU candidate also cites lower prices for water and wastewater - which were the highest in Germany. The bottom line is that almost all points have been dealt with - with the exception of a senior facility and a medical care center (MVZ). “And I'm right in the middle of it.” As far as the house for the elderly that is to be built on the Lohwiese is concerned, the mayor presents freshly modified designs that come from the investor found in the Westerwald.
"There isn't a three-year-old who doesn't know who I am"
A MVZ to be founded would be another building block so that citizens can stay in the city even at an advanced age. Helbing obtained information in Rhineland-Palatinate and Schleswig-Holstein and advocates a “medical cooperative with several partners”. The municipality should get involved, as well as the local pharmacy and the hospital in Rüdesheim. “Everyone involved is in good spirits.” The background is that the general practitioners in Lorch are all over 60 years old.
On Tuesday, May 21st, at 7 p.m. in the Lorch community center, Kolpingstrasse 5, the editorial team is organizing a discussion forum with the three candidates for the mayoral election. Sascha Kircher and Thorsten Stötzer will moderate the evening, during which the citizens of Lorch can put the applicants to the test and ask questions about the topics relevant to them. Admission is from 6 p.m., entry to the event is free.
He wants to convince the residents of his program with a brochure, posters, small events and citizens' consultations. He is already present in the city: “In Lorch there is no three-year-old who doesn't know who I am.” From 1993 to 2007, he was always active in local politics as the first city councilor or city councilor. However, the 68-year-old was born in Thuringia. He came to the region via Essen and Northern Hesse and in 1987 bought a house in Lorch. The police and detective had his political home in the FWG for a long time, for which he already fought an - unsuccessful - mayoral election campaign in 1995. In 2010 he switched to the CDU. He appreciates the “network” that he now has. Funding pots are important because "we are not a commercial or industrial location". He is also pleased that ministers and their heads of department hold meetings in the Hilchenhaus, which was also renovated under his responsibility, as is today's community center. Private investors have also invested: this is what the Vincenzstift building, the hotel in the school building and the Rewe supermarket stand for. Although Helbing still wants to lead the city into debt-free status, further measures are emerging: “The train station is a big issue.” The city has acquired half a hectare of land to set up park-and-ride parking spaces and bicycle parking spaces. The old goods shed could be used for youth work in the future.
Helbing also has an eye on around 2.4 hectares of land in the Rhine facilities; they still belong to the country. Between the train station and the former sewage treatment plant, the area could be given a new look. The fixed point is the Federal Horticultural Show 2029, for which he wants to found an interest group. The growth in tourism is already a point on which the Christian Democrat is building.
Get the feeling now. Virtueller Kreativ Adventsmarkt mit Teleshopping & Lichtkunst & Paul
Virtueller Adventsmarkt mit Teleshopping. Damit das Christkind rockt.
11.12.2021 ab 16 h https://youtu.be/0oR93ykkq8I
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mit Robert Klein, Franzi & Florentin aus München
Geigerzähler aus Berlin
Rogan Yosh aus Wiesbaden
Weihnachtsbäckerei zum nachbacken aus der Hauptstadt
Tschüss 2021 - Guden 2022.
Wir sind gespannt und freuen uns.
Tropen Tango und Kloster 9 wünschen allen ein kreatives und friedliches neues Jahr - diesmal direkt aus WOLLMIWOOD. Check it out.
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eure Likes und Daumen nach oben.
Wir danken euch allen für die große Unterstützung, eure Kreativität und euren Enthusiasmus - 2022 we gonna rock it again. Guten Rutsch!!
nächste Kreativ Garten Cafe Termine:
30. Oktober 2021
27.&28. November 2021
Kreativ Garten Cafe 2021
11. September 2021 ab 17:00 Uhr
Kloster 9 e.V. präsentiert:
Cynthia Nickschas live in concert
Akkustik-Konzert im Kultur-Garten
"...es ist vor allem die unkonventionelle, spontane und positive Energie der Künstlerin, die ein stets größer werdendes Publikum immer wieder überrascht und spontan abholt.
NICKSCHAS‘ Talent für schlüssige und mitreißende Songs gipfelt in den Texten, die sich gleichermaßen erstaunlich bissig und frontal gegen Ungerechtigkeit, Gier, Gleichmut und
Leistungsdruck wenden, wie auch die schönen Seiten des Lebens kompromisslos feiern und letztlich immer in einer hoffnungsvollen Botschaft münden. Dabei zeigt die Künstlerin nie mit dem Finger auf Andere, ist sich stets als Teil der Probleme bewusst...."
ab 17:30 h
GENERATION AUTOKORREKTUR - eine Doku über die Proteste im Dannenröder Wald. Dokumentarfilm von Redwood
Einlass 17:00
17:30 h GENERATION AUTOKORREKTUR - eine Doku über die Proteste im Dannenröder Wald. Dokumentarfilm von Redwood
19:00 h Cynthia Nickschas live in concert - Akkustik
Eintritt: gegen Spende. Es gelten die AHA-Regeln.
Wir servieren Pflaumenkuchen mit veganer Sahne, kleine Snacks, Getränke mit oder ohne Geist
Cynthia & Friends haben 2021 den Sub Tropen Tango eröffnet und uns alle aus dem Pandemie-Schlaf erweckt. Jetzt sind wir wieder da, die Kultur und die Musik. Und vor allem Cynthia. Ein Energiebündel mit großer Stimme und Aussagekraft in ihren Texten. Sie begeistert die Fans immer wieder. Einfach unglaublich.
Die Doku GENERATION AUTOKORREKTUR über die Proteste im ehemaliegn Dannenröder Forst, heute Danni, gibt tiefe Einblicke in das, was im Dannenröder Forst geschah. Was seine Retter_Innen bewegt hat. Was es bedeutet, die Korrektur der Politik zur Klimawende zu leben. Eine Kurzversion des Films ist bereits bei Youtube zu sehen. Wir zeigen die lange Version von 68 Minuten. Mitten im Wald. Cool, dass Redwood den Film gemacht. hat. Check it out.
We cordially invite you to the Kreativ Garten Cafe von Kloster 9 eV in the Klostergarten, Wollmanders near Tropic City. We invite you to music, music, art, clowning, various workshops where you can learn a lot and meet nice people, vegan food, elderberry syrup and drinks with or without a spirit.
The next creative garden cafe is on July 15, 2021
From 3 p.m .: art installations in the open air.
From 5 p.m .: Rogan Yosh
6 p.m .: Live music from Argentina La Fanfarria del Capitan
End 22:00:
La Fanfarria del Capitan (Buenes Aires)
Rogan Yosh
Again a creative garden café in Wollmanders (Wiesbadener Kurier 14.06.2021)
On a small scale, the artists come back from oblivion. So it's a good thing that the sociocultural center in the Lorch district has been spruced up a bit. ...... read more
Creative garden June 12th, 2021
We cordially invite you to theKreativ Garten Cafe von Kloster 9 eV in the Klostergarten, Wollmanders near Tropic City. We invite you to music, music, art, clowning, various workshops where you can learn a lot and meet nice people, vegan food, elderberry syrup and drinks with or without a spirit.
The next creative garden cafe is on June 12, 2021
From 3 p.m .: Build a graffiti wall yourself. Then a graffiti workshop with the artist Arek Grajek.
Livestream workshop with Martin
From 6 p.m .: German Beatbox CleFX
Rapper Murez
From 8:00 p.m .: Open Stage
Due to the current pandemic situation, the specific artists cannot yet be named in the program. But everything looks like cool music.