We are absolutely concerned about tomorrow's evacuation (from 7:00 a.m. but starting now) of the queer-feminist socio-cultural center in Liebigstrasse 34 in Berlin. We absolutely ask for your solidarity for a 30 year old cultural project. Because it quickly becomes clear to the observer: This is by no means about safeguarding the rights of the house owner, as the court decided and which an interested Senate could have done without the police. Instead, the house, the scene and the neighborhood are criminalized.
This is about pure violence. It's about accounting, repression, enforcement, extinction. One link after the other is being torn from the chain of the alternative cultural scene in Berlin. To make room for investors.
This is about a € 3 - 5 million use of state power, with everything it can muster.
In the middle of the Corona hotspot Friedrichshain, around 5,000 (2,500 + 19 hundreds) police officers are deployed, tanks, 4 water cannons, helicopters. With a lot of anger at the scene. In view of the fact that right-wing extremist networks have become known in the police authorities of the FRG, which even threaten murder, the local police hatred, in view of the legal and financial commitment for the owner and future investor, in view of the financial burden on the general public to vacate 1 house, in view of the corona risk of another hotspot, the enforcement order of the court is irresponsible.
And especially in view of the fact that 40 women and queers are attacked, overwhelmed and evacuated by around 5,000 police officers, women cannot avoid a feeling of disgust.
The area is already blocked off, church bells ring to the sound of the circling helicopter. The neighborhood holds its breath. Everything faces violence more or less unprotected. This is war on the alternate scene. Against socio-culture. Against autonomous forms of life and residential areas for poorer wage earners in the city center.
What some do not want to understand about climate protection, others overlook in urban development. And while the western mistakes are still lamented in the time of the turning point, the next thing of the turning point, the squatter scene in Berlin, art object, attraction for young people from all over the world, will be razed to the ground as the next mistake.
Culture is wiped out by force, property rights of investors, disproportionate to the rest of the population, are enforced.
The feeling here is violence. Be delivered.
The young policeman says: "Tomorrow is over here." And asks me if I have had all kinds of violence such as fire extinguishers, pepper spray, hand grenades in my face. "No." And what about him? Probably not either. Not here at Liebig. He's just repeating what he's learned.
The other policeman warns to go to the sidewalk. A young man continues to walk on the street. 5 policemen run after him. But then let go of him at the calls of passers-by. The occasion could be that small. Without passers-by.
Germany in autumn 2020. Robbers and gendarmes. Criminalization of peaceful left-wing residents. 40 women and queers just don't need that.
A city that solves such a problem peacefully could be proud of itself. A city that is pushing for the erasure of the Wende legacy and art object “Occupied Houses Berlin” has not understood the signs of the times and is setting a memorial of violence. From tax money. Resolved by a Red-Red-Green Senate.
Liebigstrasse 34
Liebigstrasse 34, Friedrichshain, Berlin
Occupied 1990
Use cultural project
Liebig 34 is an anarcha-feminist, queer, FLT house.
It is one of the few house projects that are exclusively inhabited by feminists, with different ideas and backgrounds and a collective without cis men.
About 35 people live there at the moment.
On the ground floor is the "X-Any", as well as the info shop "Beside" (free internet, archive, current magazines, revolutionary needs, Mon-Fri 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., plenary session on the 1st Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m.) : 00)