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Tropen Tango Soliparty im Wiesbadener Kontext –7 acts, 1. Kinderdisko, Kleinkunst, Tombola, Siebdruck und 1st Release des „Aftermovies Tropen Tango 2022“
Am kommenden Samstag öffnen sich in Wiesbaden die Türen des soziolulturellen Zentrums „Kontext“ für Gäste und Fans des Tropen Tango Festivals. Der seit 2022 als Symboltier auf Plakaten amtierende Phönix, nach dessen Ei die Crew des Tropen Tango Festivals noch immer fieberhaft sucht, prangt auch diesmal auf den Plakaten und Flyern.
Gefeiert wird eine Soli Party, deren Erlös dem Festival und dem organisierenden Verein, dem Soziokulturellen Zentrums Kloster 9 e.V. zugute kommen.
Nach den für die Kultur schwierigen Corona Jahren, hatte sich Tropen Tango 2023 entschlossen, auf ein Festival zugunsten der Neustrukturierung der Festivalorganisation zu verzichten und damit viele Fans, eines im Jahresablauf zentralen „Familienfests“, beraubt.
Mit der Einladung zur Soli Party sollen die Fans wieder an den Sommer erinnert werden und zugleich das Festival und den Verein mit ihrer Eintritts-Spende unterstützen. In der Kulturwelt werden nun auch Einsparungen in den Kultur-Etats des Landes und der Kommunen befürchtet, sodass das kulturelle Überleben von Kulturinitiativen und Projekten schwierig werden könnte, da keine Förderungen mehr beantragt werden könnten.
So hoffen die Festivalmacher, dass viele Fans und Interessierte den Weg zur Soli Party im „Kontext“ finden werden. Vor Ort erwartet sie ein reichhaltiges Programm. Ab 14 Uhr ist die Bühne frei für die 1. Kinderdisko des Vereins mit Roman. Eine Kinderbühne ist schon seit Langem von dem TT Festival angedacht. Aber erst jetzt ergab sich die Möglichkeit, sie mit DJ Roman in Form der Kinderdisko zu realisieren. Sollte sich ein Erfolg des Projekts abzeichnen, wird es künftig auch im Programm des Tropen Tango seinen Platz haben.
Aber auch die Erwachsenen werden ab 14 Uhr unterhalten. Das Projekt „Siebediebe“ bedruckt für die Gäste T-Shirts und Hoodies mit Tropen Tango Motiven oder mitgebrachten, eigenen Sieben. Im Merch-Stand kann man aber auch fertig bedruckte oder unbedruckte Textilien erwerben.
Es wird eine Tombola mit attraktiven Gewinnen geben, Stände mit Kleinkunst, Glühwein und vegane Super-Waffeln. Einzig der geplante Flohmarkt wird wegen des turbulenten Wetters nicht aufgemacht. Da muss erst einmal wieder mehr Wärme ins Land ziehen.
Die Soli Party bietet nicht nur die Kinderdisko, sondern auch insgesamt 7 Bands und DJs an. Gespannt erwartet und nicht leicht zu bekommen, sind „The OhOhOhs“, die klassische Musik, wie die Mondscheinserenade mit elektronischen Beats verbindet und dem Publikum keine andere Chance lässt, als den Beinen auf dem Dancefloor freies Spiel zu lassen.
Penibel, vormals Meticulous, ist eine absolut junge Band aus Wiesbaden, welche Inspiration von Bands wie Parliament, Funkadelic und Chic und Sister Sledge bezieht, aber auch von moderneren Interpreten wie Amy Winehouse, Erykah Badu und Thundercat.
Señor Pilz, eine Band, die mit Rock und Punkrock die Menge in Bewegung versetzt, kommt aus Köln angereist. Ein Bandmitglied kennt sich schon bestens in der Region aus, denn er ist für die Transporte beim Tropen Tango Festival seit Jahren verantwortlich.
Die DJs bespielen das Publikum mit Techno, Drum&Bass und HipHop. Drinnen und draußen, wie die Veranstalter betonen.
Ein weiteres Highlight der Nacht wir der 1st Release des „Aftermovies Tropen Tango 2022“ sein. Gäste und Aktive aus 2022 können sich dort eventuell wiederentdecken und von längst vergangenen Sommernächten träumen.
Da es sich um eine Soli- und Unterstützungsparty für das soziokulturelle Zentrum Kloster 9 e.V. und seine Veranstaltung „Tropen Tango Festival“ handelt, erhofft man sich einige Spenden, um die kulturelle Arbeit fortsetzen zu können. Auch der Einlass erfolgt gegen Spende.
Auch die Organisation der Soliparty ist diesmal eine Art Spende. Denn Crewmitglieder und andere aus Wiesbaden, haben sich zur Durchführung und Organisation der Veranstaltung entschlossen, um die Hauptorga des Vereins und Festivals finanziell und praktisch zu unterstützen.
Die Veranstalter hoffen auf eine gelungene Veranstaltung. Weitere Infos unter, und
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Tropen Tango Festival erst 2024 wieder in Tropic City up Wollmerschied Highlands.
Auf der Suche nach dem Ei des Phönix
Der Sommer 2023 bleibt diesmal der Tropen Tango – Crew vorbehalten. Sie begibt sich laut dem Veranstalter Kloster 9 e.V. auf Exkursion in außergalaktische Areale, auf der nicht ungefährlichen Suche nach dem Ei des Phönix, das aus seinem Nest verschwunden ist. Seither ist das Nest leer.
2022 war der Phönix das Motiv des Festivals und ein Zeichen für den Neuanfang nach den Corona-Jahren, die 2020 nur ein Livestream-Festival und 2021 ein auf 500 Gäste verkleinerte Veranstaltung erlaubten hatten.
2022 war für den Verein, nach 2018 - der vor dem OVG Hessen 2018 erstrittenen Aufhebung des von der Stadt Lorch verfügten Veranstaltungsstopps und Durchführung des Festivals -, 2021 nach teilweiser Aufhebung der Corona-Beschränkungen und 2022 wieder als richtiges Festival ohne Beschränkungen - der 3. Neustart in nur 4 Jahren.
Durch den erhöhten Stress häuften sich auf Teilen der Crew immer mehr Aufgaben, dazu kamen die Anforderungen der Förderanträge, die nicht nur für Fachfremde einen erheblichen Zeitaufwand bedeuteten und die aufwendige Restaurierung ihrer Scheune , sodass für 2023, nach vielen Besprechungen ein Recreation – und Struktur-Kongress angesetzt wurde, um die Arbeitsprozesse den Anforderungen eines wachsenden Festivals anzupassen.
Die Überlastung des Ehrenamts in Vereinen ist allgemein bekannt. Weniger bekannt ist, dass die Subkultur, das Entstehungsfeld von Produktionen, die dann zu Mainstream werden, im Vergleich zur Hochkultur, politisch nicht wahrgenommen und entsprechend wenig bis gar nicht finanziell unterstützt wird. Das Gesamt-Budget für subkulturelle, nicht der Hochkultur, wie klassischer Musik zuzurechnenden Projekten, ist in Hessen genauso groß, wie der Jahresetat des Staatstheaters Wiesbaden. Deswegen hat Kloster 9 e.V. auch 2023 wieder die Crew des 70.000 Gäste starken Fusion Festivals mit einer Kloster 9 Crew von 140 Leuten im Juni bekocht, macht Waffelstände oder Soliparties um Geld zu verdienen.
Um nicht zwischen dem kreativen Anspruch und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen zerrieben zu werden, sucht das unabhängige, Nonprofit-Festival neue Wege. Sich eine Auszeit für Diskussion, Neustrukturierung und Recreation zu nehmen, ist im 14. Jahr des Bestehens des Festivals, gewissermaßen der Pubertät, dem Blick in die Zukunft gewidmet.
Das Tropen Tango Festival ist die Haupt-Veranstaltung von Kloster 9 e.V.. Gleichzeitig bietet der Verein Workshops, das Kreativ Garten Café, ist seit 2022 ein soziokulturelles Zentrum und Mitglied der LAKS (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Kulturinitiativen und soziokulturellen Zentren in Hessen e.V.) geworden.
Die Vorbereitungen für den Tropen Tango 2024 können, wie vor den vielen Neustarts, in diesem Jahr wieder ab September gestartet werden. Gerade bei den starken aktuellen Preissteigerungen, ist die frühzeitig Planung wichtig. Immerhin haben mehrere Festivals, ihrem Publikum die gestiegenen Ticketpreise 2023 nicht vermitteln können und manche sagten ihre Veranstaltungen ab.
Der Tropen Tango möchte seinem Preisniveau, sozialen Aspekten und Projekten wie den Kartenjobbern und -jobberinnen treu bleiben. Gleichzeitig hofft er, dass das Publikum ihn nicht vergisst und mit Spenden das Festival unterstützt. Bei Paypal über oder der Rheingauer Volksbank, Kloster 9 e.V., IBAN: DE95 5109 1500 0000 1015 40, BIC: GENODE51RGG. Stichwort: Ei des Phönix.
Obwohl es für Veranstalter, Crew und Fans schwer zu schlucken war, in diesem Jahr das Festival nicht zu feiern, haben Alle Verständnis dafür, dass eine ausgeglichene und stressfreie Struktur viele Potentiale freisetzen wird.
Welche ganz genau, wird man erst wissen, wenn das Ei des Phönix gefunden und ausgebrütet ist. Die Brutzeit endet Anfang August 2024, ganz genau zwischen dem 2. Und 4. August 2024. Für dieses Datum ist auch das nächste Tropen Tango Festival geplant. Weitere Infos unter
„Tropic City up Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof“ und kleiner Adventsmarkt am 3. Dezember im Klostergarten
Es war, als habe es Corona nie gegeben. In bunten Kostümen oder schlicht strömten Fans des Tropen Tango-Festivals, Freund_Innen und Musikbegeisterte in das Wiesbadener Kulturzentrum „Kontext“, über die Stadtgrenzen hinweg, wegen seiner jahrezehntelangen Pionerarbeit in der Graffiti-Szene weithin bekannt. Der soziokulturelle Hotspot „Kontext“ verwandelte sich mithilfe von Lichtkunst aus Berlin und München in ein Stück „Tropic City up Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof“.
Die Rap Legende Flowing Immu war aus Berlin angereist und begeisterte das junge Publikum, wie auch die inzwischen älteren Jahrgänge, die sich noch gut an Flowing Immu’s erste Auftritte beim Tropen Tango erinnerten.
In dieser Nacht wurde die Rückkehr zu ganz normaler Party – Kultur ohne Berührungsängste, Tests,Listen, Einschränkungen gefeiert. Das Publikum feierte flowing Immo, Analogue Birds, Hala Belladonna, Maja the Slayer, Die Selbsthilfegruppe, Steven Paul Taylor, The Unbeliveable, C.7even, Klabauterfrau, Nils Siddhartha, Sarah Lynn, Mortimer goes Amok, Suprising. Und natürlich Herrn von Bauch, der das begeisterte Publikum über einen einzigen Faden, der aus seinem Mund hervorkam, insgesamt und fast unlösbar, miteinander verband. Und natürlich fehlte auch die brasialinisch/Mainzer Band Bateria Infernal nicht, deren verschiedene Akteure inzwischen auch Aufgaben im Festival übernommen haben.
Kaum ist die Veranstaltung abgebaut und die Kisten, Kabel und Lautsprecher wieder im Klostergarten in Wollmerschied verstaut, wird dort schon die nächste Veranstaltung aufgebaut. Am 3. Dezember findet ein kleiner Adventsmarkt auf dem Klostergelände statt, mit Musik, Zuckerwatte, Glühwein und ein paar kleinen Ständen. Zeitgleich findet die Weihnachtsfeier der Wollmerschieder Vereine im Dorfgemeinschaftshaus statt. Dort backt Kloster 9 e.V. seine vom „Besser als Nix Festival“ bekannten Waffeln. Gewissermaßen veranstalten Dorfgemeinschaft und Kloster 9 e.V. eine gemeinsame „Über die Straße Weihnachtsfestivität“. Gefördert wird der kleine Adventsmarkt von Neustart Kultur und der Initiative Musik.
Tropen Tango Party im Wiesbadener Kontext mit Flowing Immo und vielen anderen
Das „Kreativ-Garten Cafe“ im Garten des Vereinshauses von Kloster 9 e.V. öffnet noch einmal vor der Winterpause seine Pforten. Es besteht seit 2018. Seine Gründung war damals auch eine Reaktion auf die vom ehemaligen Bürgermeister Helbing, versuchte, aber misslungene Untersagung des Tropen Tango Festivals 2018.
Seitdem haben viele Workshops, Filmdrehs, Band-Auftritte, Meetings in dem Garten und der Umgebung stattgefunden. Viele Gäste und Helferinnen und Helfer haben Zugang zu ganz neuen Themen gefunden, viele Freundschaften und Kooperationen und ein breites kulturelles und soziales Netzwerk sind entstanden. Gefördert wurde und wird das Projekt von der LAKS (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Kulturinitiativen und soziokulturellen Zentren in Hessen e.V.), einem Projekt des Hess. Kulturministeriums. Nun ist der Verein Kloster 9 e.V. am 10. November selbst als ordentliches Mitglied in die LAKS aufgenommen worden. Als letztes Mitglied in dieser Gemeinschaft, wie die Vorsitzeden Antonia Guth und Thalja Illerhaus, die den Verein bei der Aufnahmesitzung in Fulda vertraten, berichteten, weitere Mitglieder dürfe die LAKS derzeit nicht mehr aufnehmen.
Allerdings blieb keine Zeit, das Ereignis gebührend zu feiern. Denn unterstützt von „Neustart Kultur„, finden 2022 noch mehrere Veranstaltungen statt. Kloster 9 e.V., besser bekannt als das „Tropen Tango Festival“ lädt für den 26.11.2022 zur ersten aushäusigen Party nach Corona ein.
Im Wiesbadener Kulturplatz „Kontext“ in der Welfenstraße, sind am kommenden Samstag 14 angekündigte Acts auf der Bühne, Überraschungsgäste nicht ausgeschlossen. Ein besonderer Gast ist „Flowing Immo“ aus Berlin, der bereits 2011 auf dem Tropen Tango aufgetreten war, sozusagen zu den Begründern des erfolgreichen Festivals gehört.
Außerdem sind dabei Analogue Birds, Hala Belladonna, Maja the Slayer, Die Selbsthilfegruppe, Steven Paul Taylor, The unbeliveable. Und die DJs C.7even, Klabauterfrau, Nils Siddhartha, Sarah Lynn, Mortimer goes Amok, Suprising. Herr von Bauch. Einlass ist ab 19 Uhr, das Konzert beginnt um 20 Uhr. Statt Eintritt wird um eine Spende zwischen 5 und 20 € gebeten. Mehr Infos unter und .
Das Tropen Tango Team freut sich, dass zum 1. Mal nach dem 8.2.2020 wieder eine Party in der Fremde möglich ist. Dem folgt der „Adventsmarkt“ am 3. und 4. Dezember im Klostergarten. Am 3. 12. unterstützt Kloster 9 e.V. die anderen Wollmerschieder Vereine mit seinem berühmten, veganen Waffelstand, bekannt vom „Besser als Nix Festival“ in Geisenheim. Ein Corona bedingt lange verschobener Film-Dreh, mit dem englischen Punk Comedian Singer Jason Doghouse, wird am 10.12. realisiert. Wo, wird noch geheim gehalten.
Und noch eine Party, am 16.12. im Haus Mainusch in Mainz. Und dann? Man wird sehen, im Tropen Tango Raumschiff werden bereits alle Schrauben überprüft. Was beim letzten Tropen Tang0 2022 los gewesen ist, kann man und Frau am kommenden Wochenende im „Kontext“ erfahren. Dann wird dort das „Tropen Tango Aftermovie 2022“ gezeigt. Womit dann Bahn frei wäre, für das 14. Tropen Tango Festival und neue Parties und Workshops, in den letzten Tagen der historischen 100 Jahre „Freistaat Flaschenhals“ (von 1919 bis 2023) in Lorch.
Impressionen: Tropen Tango Soliparty 2019 im Kontext Wiesbaden
Rheingau-Echo Nr. 42 - 20-10-2022
LORCH 20.10.2022
Chamamé-Konzert mit Chango Spasiuk
Veranstaltung im Hilchenhaus begeisterte das Publikum
Chango Spasiuk und Marcos Villalba.
Lorch. (rer) –
Erstmalig fand eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des neuen Kulturreferats der Stadt Lorch mit dem Wollmerschieder Verein "Kloster 9 e.V." statt. Im Hof des Hilchenhauses gastierten die argentinischen Musiker Chango Spasiuk am Akkordeon und der Percussionist Marcos Villalba an allem, was phantastische Drums erzeugte und an der Gitarre. Chango Spasiuk erzeugte auf dem Akkordeon Melodien und Töne, die man dem Instrument nicht zutrauen würde und mit Schunkelmusik wenig zu tun hatte.
Beide Musiker waren ihrer Musik völlig hingegeben und zogen ihr Publikum in ihren Bann. Ihre Musik wird Chamamé genannt. Chamamé ist eine Musik aus uralten Zeiten und Traditionen, verschmolzen mit der Musik kolonialer, osteuropäischer Jesuitenmönche, die ihrerseits von der osteuropäischen Polka inspiriert waren. Eine erfolgreiche Verschmelzung eigentlich verschiedener Kulturen, die in Argentinien inzwischen die Konzertsäle und Clubs füllt. Nun bringen Chango Spasiuk und Marcos Villalba die Musik nach Europa und touren durch Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg, Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich, Slowenien, Italien, Spanien und Norwegen.
Sie hätten zur Präsentation der in das UNESCO Welterbe aufgenommenen Musikrichtung, keinen besseren Ort als das Obere Mittelrheintal wählen können, das ebenfalls zum UNESCO Welterbe gehört. Gekrönt wurde dieses Zusammentreffen von geschütztem Welterbe durch den Auftritt auf der Bühne des ebenfalls zum UNESCO Welterbe zählenden Hilchenhauses.
Chango Spasiuk ist einer der bekanntesten Chamamé-Musiker Argentiniens, eine Koriphäe, die große Konzertsäle füllt. Er hat schon rund um den Globus gespielt, sein Akkordeon erklang von New York bis Paris. Er und andere haben die alte Musik mit in die moderne Welt genommen, sie ist in der jungen Musikszene angekommen und mehr und mehr angesagt. Mit dem Percussionisten Marcos Villalba spielt er bereits seit 20 Jahren zusammen.
Das Lorcher Publikum ließ sich von den Drums, Streicheleinheiten auf der Cajon, den hellen Beats auf einem Horn, der Gitarre, den unerklärlich klatschenden Händen, den ätherischen, leidenschaftlichen, fordernden Klängen des Akkordeons hinreißen. Herbstwetter mit leichtem Regen bremste zwar die Tanzlaune, jedoch wärmte argentinischer Wein von innen und die Bierbänke unter den aufgestellten Zelten wippten im Rhythmus mit.
Das Kulturreferat der Stadt freute sich, dass sich die Gelegenheit ergeben hatte, Weltklasse-Musik vor Ort bieten zu können. Dass der Auftritt trotz der kurzen Zeit zur Umsetzung professionell umgesetzt werden konnte, sei dem engagierten Team von "Kloster 9 e.V." und der guten Kooperation mit der städtischen Tourist-Info und dem Bauhof zu verdanken. Dass Argentinien auch auf den Tellern und in den Gläsern der Gäste präsent war, ist dem Gasthaus „Land Art“ in Ransel zu verdanken gewesen, das von dem Argentinier Marcelo Ramallo Guillen geführt wird.
Bürgermeister Ivo Reßler dankte den argentinischen Künstlern für das beeindruckende Gastspiel in Lorch. Er konnte das in der Landessprache zum Ausdruck bringen, da er Argentinien selbst schon bereist habe. Er gab dem Wunsch Ausdruck, dass die gelungene gemeinsame Veranstaltung, „nur der Anfang“ für kommende, erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen gewesen sei.
Für die Veranstalter des „Tropen Tango Festivals“ war es ein Neuanfang in der Zusammenarbeit und dem Verhältnis zur Stadt Lorch. Der Verein habe es als spannendes Projekt empfunden, gemeinsam mit der Stadt, große Künstler in der malerischen Lorcher Kulisse präsentieren und die Region positiv hervorheben zu können.
Der argentinische Musiker Chango Spasiuk präsentiert Chamamé im Lorcher Hilchenhaus. Eine Veranstaltung von Kloster 9 e.V. und dem Kulturreferat der Stadt Lorch.
Immaterielles UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Chamamé im materiellen UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Oberes Mittelrheintal
Da kommt viel UNESCO Welterbe-Kultur zusammen: das Mittelrheintal, das Hilchenhaus und Chamamé. Am 14. Oktober 2022 in Lorch in Form eines Konzerts des weltbekannten, führenden Chamamé Musikers Chango Spasiuk im historischen Hof des Hilchenhauses.
Chango Spasiuk ist einer der bekanntesten Chamamé-Musiker Argentiniens und auf Europa-Tournee. Gemeinsam mit seinem Percussionisten tourt er durch Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg, Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich, Slowenien, Italien, Spanien, Norwegen.
Von der auf dem Tropen Tango bereits immer wieder gefeierten argentinischen Band „La Fanfarria del Capitan“ überzeugt, konnte er sich der unbedingten Notwendigkeit eines Stopps im Kloster 9 e.V. nicht verschließen und kündigte sich überraschend als Gast des „Kreativ Garten Cafes“ an. Das „Kreativ Garten Cafe“ ist eine von der LAKS/HMWK geförderte soziokulturelle Veranstaltungsreihe von Kloster 9 e.V.
Chango Spasiuk hat schon rund um den Globus gespielt, sein Akkordeon erklang von New York bis Paris. The Guardian, New York Times, Times – die ganze Welt ist von seiner Musik fasziniert und schreibt über ihn. Er und andere haben die alte Musik mit in die moderne Welt genommen, sie ist in der jungen Musikszene angekommen und mehr und mehr angesagt.
Um so viel Kultur, Tradition und nicht zuletzt Welterbe in entsprechendem Rahmen zu präsentieren, haben sich der Verein Kloster 9 e.V. bzw. das „Kreativ Garten Cafe“ und das Kulturreferat der Stadt Lorch entschlossen, Chango Spasiuk gemeinsam der Region im Hilchenhaus zu präsentieren.
So ist es Musikbegeisterten auch möglich, mit der Bahn bis fast vor die Tür des Hilchenhauses gebracht zu werden und auch das Weinangebot annehmen zu können. Die Veranstalter hoffen, dass trotz der Kürze der Zeit, viele Musikfans auf Chango Spasiuk und die einmalige Gelegenheit aufmerksam werden.
Chamamé ist eine sehr besondere Musik, aus uralten Zeiten und Traditionen, verschmolzen mit der Musik kolonialer, osteuropäischer Jesuitenmönche, die ihrerseits wieder von der osteuropäischen Polka inspiriert waren. Eine erfolgreiche Verschmelzung eigentlich absolut verschiedener Kulturen, die nun ganz neu aus Argentinien zu uns kommt.
Da Argentinien auch das Land des Tango ist, ist es ein schicksalhaftes Muss, dass Chango Spasiuk sich und Chamamé beim Veranstalter des Tropen Tango Festivals, dem Verein Kloster 9 e.V., vorstellt.
LORCH 18.08.2022
Tropen Tango 2022
Erfolgreiches Festival trotz vieler Veränderungen
Unter dem blauen Himmel über dem Gelände wurde an den verschiedenen Floors und Stages ausgelassen getanzt und gefeiert.
Wollmerschied. (sw) –
Auch zum Tropen Tango Festival 2022 waren wieder nicht nur internationale Acts und Musiker angereist, auch die Besucher hatten teils wieder gerne die längere Anreise nach Wollmerschied auf sich genommen. Auch wenn der strahlende Sonnenschein an diesem Wochenende für ideales Festivalflair sorgte, so war die aus der Hitze und der anhaltenden Trockenheit resultierende Waldbrandgefahr so ein omnipräsentes Thema. „Der Wandelwald fiel in diesem Jahr aus, da die Verantwortliche in diesem Jahr an ihrer Masterarbeit schreibt und sich hier kein Ersatz gefunden hat.“, erklärte Rike Kochem, Mitgründerin des Festivals und Organisatorin. Auch wenn hier die Gefahr so bereits von Beginn an gebannt war, hatte man sich in anderen Bereichen erneut auf die Gefahr vorbereiten müssen. So musste auf dem Campingplatz ein besonders großer Abstand zum Wald eingehalten werden. Neben den Abständen, die man aus Sicherheitsgründen einhielt, hatte man auch für Sand an den Bühnen gesorgt und auch die Feuerwehren aus Wollmerschied und Ransel haben wieder mit viel Engagement dazu beigetragen die Gefahr einzudämmen, so Kochem. Schließlich hatte man wieder ein Feuerlöschfahrzeug aus Köln vor Ort, das zusätzlich mehrere tausend Kubik an Löschwasser für den Notfall bereithielt. So abgesichert und mit den entsprechenden Informationen für die Besucher konnte trotz der Trockenheit ausgelassen gefeiert werden.
„Tonzimmer Kathedrale“
Neben Hitze und Trockenheit war das Tropen Tango-Team in diesem Jahr auch mit zahlreichen Veränderungen konfrontiert. „Es haben auch innerhalb des Teams viele Wechsel stattgefunden, viele sind in diesem Jahr aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen nicht dabei. Das hat einerseits einen ziemlichen Mangel ergeben, andererseits sind so viele neue Leute dazugekommen, die Aufgaben zu übernehmen.“, berichtete Kochem. Und zum Festivalstart hatte sich das neue Team bereits gut zusammengefunden und man war erneut den Herausforderungen gewachsen. Und auch auf dem Platz und bei den Acts gab es Neuerungen. Dort wo sonst stets die „Kirche des Subgenius“ zu finden war fanden die Besucher nun die „Tonzimmer Kathedrale“. „Das sind Jungs aus Lahnstein, die dort Wohnzimmerkonzerte veranstalten und nach dem Ausfall der „Kirche des Subgenius“ ein paar Tage vor dem Festivalstart einsprangen und in Anlehnung an diese die „Tonzimmer Kathedrale“ gründeten. Ganz in der Nähe sorgte das „Pengland“ aus Mainz auf dem Kulturacker wie gewohnt für zusätzliches Musikprogramm, Workshops und viele kleine Performances. Und auch das Booking bei den Bands war trotz Corona wieder erfolgreich gewesen. „Wir haben wieder wirklich viele tolle Bands zu Gast, die wirklich ihr letztes gegeben haben, denn viele befinden sich am Ende ihrer Tourneen und spielen hier ihre letzten Konzerte.“, so Rike Kochem. „Aber wir bekommen auch immer wieder die Rückmeldung, dass sie sehr glücklich sind, hier noch einmal eine so gute Stimmung mitnehmen zu können.“, fügte sie hinzu. Ein Highlight sei dabei unteranderem wieder der Aufritt der Band „Orange“ gewesen, die bereits seit einigen Jahren regelmäßig auf dem Tropen Tango spielt und hier auch eine Fangemeinde hat. Doch auch Bands wie „Zargenbruch“ oder „Les yeux d´la tête“ aus Paris.
Neue und alte Angebote
Neben den Bands, Workshops und Performances auf verschiedenen Floors, Bühnen und Bereichen, gab es in diesem Jahr auch wieder einen „Kinderspace“ in dem sich die jüngsten Besucher des Festivals austoben konnten. Neben Hüpfburg, Rollenbahn, Tischkicker und Co. stand auch Kinderschminken auf dem Angebot und auch die freiwillige Feuerwehr hatte sich etwas für die Kinder überlegt. An der „Woodhood“ zeigten Graffitikünstler an mehreren Wänden wieder ihr Können und sorgten für einen weiteren kunstvollen Farbfleck auf dem Gelände. Auch Stände mit Kleidung, Kunsthandwerk und anderem waren in diesem Jahr wieder vertreten und auch auf dem Campingplatz hatten sich ein paar neue Stände niedergelassen. So vielfältig wie das Musikangebot war außerdem auch das Angebot an Speisen und Getränken. Von asiatischem, veganen, gebackenem und Angeboten vom Grill ließen sich in diesem Jahr so auch erstmals Handkäs´und Äppelwoi auf dem Festival finden.
Natürlich war aber auch Corona nicht ganz außen vor, an diesem Festivalwochenende in Wollmerschied. „Unsere Crew testet sich freiwillig und wir haben schon im Voraus alle Besucher gebeten sich bestenfalls vor Anreise zu testen, wir bieten aber auch am Eingang noch einmal Tests an.“, so Kochem. Und natürlich gab es auch in diesem Jahr aufgrund von Corona einige Stornierungen und das Thema sei natürlich einfach weiter präsent.
Fotos: Rheingau-Echo
Tropen-Tango schafft Comeback
Ska und Samba zwischen Sandinseln / Am Punkrocktresen wird es spannend und hochprozentig
Von Thorsten Stötzer
WOLLMERSCHIED. Mit Ska-Musik sind die „Rhine River Rudies“ aus Köln nach Wollmerschied zum Tropen-Tango gezogen. Sie stehen nun auf einer Bühne, die in etwa dorthin gezimmert wurde, wo sonst im Spätwinter das Halefeuer brennt. Hinter sich haben sie ein Technik-Pult, aber auch Sofas und Stühle an einem runden Tisch, denn das „Tonzimmer“ soll zugleich ein stückweit ein Wohnzimmer sein. An kreativen Ideen fehlt es nicht beim inzwischen 13. Festival in Wollmerschied.
Auf dem Kulturacker wehen bunte Tücher. Die einen tanzen mit freiem Oberkörper, während die anderen das Gelände zur Liegewiese machen und sich mit aufs Gesicht gelegtem Strohhut erholen. Auch das ist möglich zwischen acht Bühnen bei einem Festival, das natürlich ebenso seine lautstarken Ecken hat. „Im Prinzip läuft alles super“, zieht Rike Kochem vom Trägerverein Kloster 9 eine Zwischenbilanz. Vor allem, wenn man bedenke, dass es sich wie vielerorts aktuell um einen Neuanfang handele.
Es bestehe die Hoffnung, dass die angestrebte Besucherzahl von 3500 Menschen in der Endabrechnung erreicht werde. An drei Tagen lockten insgesamt 102 Musik-Acts, berichtet Kochem, dazu kämen rund zehn Workshops und Kleinkunst. Auf der Hauptbühne steht gerade die Gruppe Shanti Powa Orchestra aus Südtirol. Hinter ihnen betätigt sich Michael Fischer als Backstage-Manager. Er ist ein Beispiel für das umfangreiche Netzwerk an Freiwilligen, das den Tropen-Tango möglich macht. „Es hat alles einmal im Garten angefangen“, erinnert sich der Mann mit dem wallenden hellen Haaren und dem Bart an seinen Erstkontakt mit der Veranstaltung unten im Dorf in der Klosterstraße 9. Er und Kochem kannten sich von anderen Festivals, so entwickelte sich die Geschichte weiter.
Drei Stunden Schlaf müssen reichen
Kommt Fischer im Vorfeld in Wollmerschied an, so hat er aber zunächst nichts mit Bühnen und Künstlern zu tun. Vielmehr kümmert er sich dann erst einmal mit Freunden um die Frischwasserversorgung. Dass Backstage erst eine halbe Stunde vor dem ersten Auftritt alles fertig ist, stört ihn ebenso wenig wie ein auf drei Stunden reduzierter Nachtschlaf. In Zelten mit Teppichen und Sofas werden die Musiker mit Gummibärchen und belegten Brötchen verköstigt. „Manche sind verwundert“, beschreibt Fischer die ersten Reaktionen. „Sie merken dann aber, dass sie hier jeden Wunsch erfüllt kriegen.“ Mit divenhaften Vertretern voller Allüren habe er es in seiner Laufbahn bisher äußerst selten zu tun gehabt.
Draußen trommelt inzwischen die Bateria Infernal im Samba-Rhythmus. Auf einem großen „Kinderspace“ fällt neben Wasserspielen und Tischkicker eine selbst gebaute Kombination aus Wippe und Schlagzeug auf. Kreativ, aufgrund des Alkoholgehalts aber nicht jugendfrei, geht es am „Punkrocktresen“ zu. Wer aus einem Automaten eine Art buntes Kaubonbon dreht, kann je nach Farbe etwas gewinnen: Von Dosenbier reicht die Spanne bis zu „Mäusepisse“, gemixt aus Hafermilch, Korn und Vanillezucker.
Die Überschüsse sind für den Tropen-Tango bestimmt. Der kann finanzielle Mittel gebrauchen, weil Zusatzkosten für den Schutz vor Waldbränden entstehen. In Nordrhein-Westfalen wurde ein Löschfahrzeug gemietet. Überall stehen Feuerlöscher parat, geraucht werden darf nur auf Sandinseln. „Es ist aber nicht ganz so wild wie 2018“, beruhigt Kochem, damals drohte eine Absage bei anhaltender Trockenheit.
WIESBADENER KURIER LOKALES - Donnerstag, 04.08.2022
Alle machen alles fürs Festival
Am Wochenende lockt der Tropen-Tango nach Wollmerschied / Vorsorge gegen Waldbrände
Von Thorsten Stötzer
WOLLMERSCHIED. „Das arme Einhorn hat noch keiner aufgerichtet“, sagt Rike Kochem beim Blick auf ein vertrautes Ausstattungsstück des Tropen-Tangos. Ansonsten wachsen aber auf dem Wollmerschieder Sportplatz und seinem Umfeld bereits acht Bühnen und etliche Stände und Zelte in die Höhe. Am Freitag, 5. August, beginnt um 15 Uhr der Tropen-Tango, der insgesamt drei Tage dauert. Am Samstag wird um 12 Uhr geöffnet und am Sonntag, wenn es Schnuppertickets gibt, um 9 Uhr.
Die Festivalbesucher sollen erleben, was sie aus der Zeit vor Corona kennen. International wird das Musikprogramm, Kochem weist beispielsweise auf die Band „Les Yeux de la Tête“ hin, die daheim in Frankreich recht bekannt sei. Visionäre Musik wollen „Rimojeki“ aus Israel darbieten, und aus Japan reist eine Gruppe namens „Teke-Teke“ nach Wollmerschied. Nur der „Wandelwald“ werde diesmal nicht bespielt, weil seine Hauptgestalterin Areeg Mulhi gerade ihre Masterarbeit schreibt.
Beleuchtung sei aber vorgesehen in diesem Abschnitt, der ohnehin zuerst gesperrt werden müsste, wenn die Waldbrandgefahr weiter steige. Vorsichtsmaßnahmen gemäß Brandschutzkonzept würden längst getroffen, versichert Kochem zum Problem, das besonders aus dem Jahr 2018 noch in Erinnerung ist. „Wir sammeln schon lange Wasser“, sagt die Sprecherin des Vereins Kloster 9, der das Festival präsentiert.
Mindestens 96 000 Liter sollen am Wochenende bereitstehen – in Containern, Zisternen und eventuell einem alten Milchauto. „Wir bemühen uns um Hilfe aus der Landwirtschaft“, und es steht zur Debatte, private Löschfahrzeuge zu mieten. Neben Trockenheit beschäftigt die Macher des Tropen-Tangos ein anderes Zeitphänomen: Es fehlen Fachkräfte, generell herrscht „starker Mangel an Leuten“. Beim Neubeginn nach Corona „fühlt es sich manchmal wie am Anfang an: Jeder macht alles“, schildert Kochem.
Ein Freiwilliger aus 2021 kämpfe inzwischen in der Ukraine gegen die Invasoren. Die Weltlage geht am 13. Tropen-Tango nicht vorüber, der an drei Tagen insgesamt 3500 Gäste anlocken soll. Mit rund 500 Helfern wird ebenso gerechnet, sie verdienen sich oft freien Eintritt als „Kartenjobber“. Die Crew teste sich regelmäßig auf Corona, und die Besucher sind gebeten, Selbsttests zu benutzen. Wollmerschieder unterstützen die Veranstaltung traditionell genauso wie Menschen, die von weit her kommen.
Das gilt mittlerweile auch für die Vereinsspitze: Die Vorsitzende Antonia Guth wohnt in Berlin, ihre Stellvertreterin Thalja Illerhaus in Leipzig, ihr Metier sind Theater und Film. Ebenso in Berlin ist Sven zu Hause, der die Werkstatt betreut, an der das Wort „Workaholix“ prangt. Es beeindrucken eine Batterie aus sorgsam aufgehängten Schraubendrehern und eine Theke mit leeren Bierflaschen. Ihr Schimmern soll dazu animieren, Werkzeug brav zurückzubringen. „Ziel ist es, nicht zu lange zu suchen“, erklärt Sven.
Südafrikanischer Koch, Workshops und Theater
Zum Gemeinschaftswerk trägt weiterhin der Südafrikaner Lewellyn bei, der für die Crew kocht. Auf dem Kulturacker pflügen gleichfalls neue Akteure, nämlich vom Verein „Peng“ aus Mainz, die Workshops und Theater bieten inklusive „Projektionsgeschichte“, erzählt Jörg Ziggert. Obendrein ist die „Kirche des Subgenius“ zum „Tohnzimmer“ und zur „Kathedrale“ geworden. „Wir haben die Religion gewechselt“, meint Kochem zu bevorstehenden Performances.
Zum magischen 13. Mal rufts aus dem grünen Tropen-Tango Dschungel up Wollmerschied Highlands zu 3 Tagen Subkultur auf 8 Bühnen
Zum magischen 13. Mal rufts aus dem grünen Tropen-Tango Dschungel up Wollmerschied Highlands zu 3 Tagen Subkultur auf 8 Bühnen mit Bands und Künstlern/innen aus allen Welten. Vom 5. bis 7. August 2022.
Kulturacker mit Groß- und Kleinkunst, Workshops, D'Up Hang, Kinderspace, Graffitiwand, Feuershows, Lichtparade, freies Campen, Shuttle-Service, freier Blick vom Campingplatz über Wälder und Täler. 400 m über dem Rheintal, 10 Minuten zur Loreley und vieles mehr. Nur der WandelWald hat noch keine Nachfolge für die Arbeit von Areeg Mulhi gefunden. Aber man weiß ja nie, auch nicht auf den letzten Metern.
Tropen Tango 2022 steht wie der Phönix auf dem Plakat für Neuanfang. Der Verein fühlt sich stellenweise wie ganz zu Beginn des Festivals, alle machen alles. Wie in der gesamten Veranstaltungsbranche nach Corona, haben Leute die Branche gewechselt, sind umgezogen, haben Kinder bekommen, sind von den Folgen von Corona eingeschränkt. So ist es ein großes Getrommele um die Crew zusammenzubekommen. 2022 soll wieder an 2019 anknüpfen, nachdem 2021 mit nur 2 Bühnen mit dem „Sub Tropen Tango“ ein kleines Format gefahren worden war.
In diesem Jahr stehen auch wieder viele Bands aus dem europäischen Ausland, aber auch aus Israel und Japan auf dem Programm. In Deutschland gerade erst am Bekanntwerden, in Frankreich schon Stars, wird die 5köpfige Band „Les Yeux de la Tête“, mit ihrem Repertoire vom Chanson über Sinti-Swing, Balkanbeats und Walzerklängen, Folk und Rock mit Sicherheit das Publikum zum Tanzen bringen. Auch die 9köpfige „Combo Batanga“ aus Spanien mit afrokubanischen Rhythmen oder die norditalienische Big Band „Shanti Powa“ mit einem Crossover aus Reggae, Rap, Dub, Ska, Dancehall, Funk & Rock, werden im Hinterlandswald viele fröhliche Klänge erschallen lassen. Ganz anders performen Rimojeki aus Tel Aviv, die visionäre Musik, bahnbrechende Videokunst und Out Of This World Outfits miteinander verbinden. Ebenfalls schrill bis außergewöhnlich ist die Band „Tek Tek“ aus Japan.
Zu einem Neuanfang gehört unbedingt auch „Orange“, die spacige Band mit Rainer von Vielen als Frontmann. Er bringt auch gleich sein neues Projekt „Oriom“, Planetentöne, und TripHop-Beats auf die Bühne, möglicherweise eine Erstaufführung. „Chocolate Remix“, „Die Wilde Jagd“ sind weitere Highlights des Festivals. Jason Doghouse aus Großbritannien zeigt gewohnt ungewohnte Punk Comedy, Herr von Bauch unterhält wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren die Kinder.
Die werden auf dem Kinderspace betreut. Wie in vielen anderen Bereichen, ist auch diese Crew neu. So ist die „Kirche des Subgenius“ zu der „Kathedrale“ geworden, in der vorerst keine Trauungen vorgenommen werden. Der Freiburger Künstler Jo hat seine Dome in diesem Jahr statt auf dem Kulturacker auf der Kasseler Documenta aufgebaut und damit dem Pengland aus Mainz Gelegenheit zur Performance gegeben. Neben dem Pengland, einer alternativen künstlerischen Formation, werden auch andere Floors von eigenständigen Projekten betrieben, wie der D’Up Hang von dem Kollektiv „Peifensound“ der HipHop Space von „Woodhood“.
Für den Dancefloor konnten bekannte Acts wie „Kleintierschaukel“, einem sehr angesagten Elektronikkünstler, „Ash Roy“ aus der indischen elektronischen Underground Tanzmusikszene, „Ninze, mit bekanntem Slowhouse Sound, Tim Taste, der schon Auftritte in Dubai hatte, „Omar Dahl“ als Live Act mit Instrumenten, wie auch „Komfortrauschen“ neben vielen anderen Acts gebucht werden. Ein Kollektiv aus Dresden und Münster verzaubert mit elektronischen Lichtinstallationen den Dancefloor.
Auch auf dem Hauptgelände soll viel mit Licht gearbeitet werden. Verschiedene Essenstände von Nepal, über Knoblauchbrot bis zu japanischem Essen versorgen die Besucher, ein mobiles Tatoo-tudio dreht seine Runden, auf dem Campingplatz gibt es einen Kiosk und in den Wiesen des Kulturackers Yoga.
Wie überall in Europa ist die Waldbrandgefahr wieder nahe gerückt. Die Organisatoren des Festivals bitten die umliegenden Landwirte deswegen um Unterstützung bei der Wasserbevorratung. Und Corona verlangt auch noch nach Beachtung. Der Plan 2022 vor allem Kompost-Toiletten einzusetzen, konnte aufgrund von Lieferschwierigkeiten beim Material bei den Herstellern in diesem Jahr nur in Teilen umgesetzt werden.
Nachdem die verbilligten Early- und Late Bird Tickets bereits lange ausverkauft sind, gibt es jetzt noch Wochenend-Vorverkaufs-Tickets online und als Hardtickets in Vorverkaufsstellen der Region. Für finanziell schwache Personen wie bei Hartz IV Bezug oder Studenten gibt es Ermäßigungs-Tickets, aber auch das Familien-Ticket, das Jugend-Ticket. Eine weitere Möglichkeit an dem Festival teilzunehmen ist als Kartenjobber/in oder als Helfer/in. In dem einen Fall wird ein paar Schichten in dem Festival mitgearbeitet und man bekommt den Ticketpreis zurückerstattet. In dem anderen Fall arbeitet man auch ein paar Schichten mit, ist aber Teil der Crew inklusive Verpflegung.
Das Campen ist in Verbindung mit einem Wochenend-Ticket frei. Alle weiteren Informationen unter
Konzert von La Fanfarria del Capitan eröffnet bei Kloster 9 e.V. den musikalischen Sommer. Mit einem Gruß vom Rhein.
Genau 1 Jahr nach ihrem Auftritt im KGC als Trio , stehen La Fanfarria del Capitan aus Argentineien wieder auf der kleinen Bühne von Kloster 9 e.V. in Wollmerschied. Diesmal ist die Band aber auf ihrer „Tour 2022“ quer durch ganz Europa und spielen mit 7 Bandmitgliedern und unzähligen Instrumenten. Trotz wegen Krankheitsfällen stark verkürzter Werbung, ist das Konzert sehr gut besucht, auch viele Kinder sind unter den Gästen. Genauso wie diese tanzen sie zu Blkanrhythmen und argentinischen Balladen. Das Publikum genießt sichtlich die fröhlichen Bläser, das fordernde Akkordeon und die immer wieder in den Vordergrund tretenden Gitaren. Der Caoitan zeigt sich dann als Ur-Rockgitarrist mit allen nur möglichen Höhen und Tiefen. Mit dabi sind die Kinder der Band. Im vergangenen Jahr noch nicht geboren, tourt die kleine …. Nun mit ihrem 6jährigen Bruder Galli um die Welt. Galli verwaltet fachmännisch die CDs und T Shirts der Band, packt sie nach dem Konzert wieder ordentlich in den Tour-Koffer, um sie am nächsten Tag beim nächsten Konzert seiner Eltern wieder neben der Bühne zu präsentieren.
Das Publikum fordert an diesem lauen Sommerabend viele Zugaben von Vicky und ihren „Senores“. Die zierliche kleine Frau reißt mit ihrer sopranen klaren Stimme das Publikum mit und appeliert immer wieder an die Sehnsucht der Menschheit nach Frieden.
Melancholischere Töne schlägt die Band „Fox&Friends“ an, vielleicht weil nur Fox an diesem Abend Zeit hatte. Er blickt auf mexikanische Wurzeln und eine Kindheit in Bayern zurück, was seinen Stil individualistisch und unterhaltsam macht. Mit deutschen und spanischen Balladen wie auch Improvisationen regte er sein Publikum auch geistig an.
Demnächst wird man ihn wie auch die Friends sicherlich wieder im Klostergarten hören, ganz sicher aber auf dem Tropen Tango. Und auch der Capitan de la Fanfarria wird auch wiederkommen. Die 14 Mitglieder von Band und Management sind nun auf dem Weg nach Großbritannien. Immer mit dabei der in Ingelheim selbstproduzierte Riesling und Rose. Und damit auch ein Gruß vom Rhein.
Der Konzertabend wurde bereits 2021 von dem Kulturreferat des Rheingau-Taunus-Kreises im Rahmen des Neustarts Kultur gefördert. Im Wollmerschieder Klostergarten waren es die ersten Konzerte des Jahres und für Publikum und Veranstalter ein gelungener Start in das Musikjahr, das bereits am 5.8. seinem Höhepunkt auf dem Tropen Tango Festival 2022 entgegensteuert. Karten für das Festival gibt es noch unter
Tropen Tango Festival in Wollmerschied vom 5. Bis 7. August 2022
Waffeln und Early Bird Tickets auf dem Besser als Nix Festival
Auch das Tropen Tango Festival in den Wollmerschied Highlands ist dieses Jahr vom 5. Bis 7. August wieder voll am Start, um die Kulturszene des Rheingaus mit Subkultur – im Gegensatz zu Mainstream - aus aller Welt zu bereichern. Alle Bühnen von Trop City über Dschngo Ville, Kulturacker, Woodhood Stage, Electro Stage, WandelWald, D’UP Hang, Kirche des Subgenius bis Camp Side zeigen Musik von Rock über Pop uber HipHop und Reggae zu World Music, Singer Songwritern und vieles andere mehr. Außer Metal. Auch ukrainische Bands konnten gebucht werden. Wieder werden die einzelnen Bühnen von unterschiedlichen Gruppen aus Deutschland betreut. Das Booking ist noch in vollem Gang, viele Bands haben sich gemeldet, nach anderen wird gesucht, wieder andere müssen sich als Band nach Corona erst wieder selbst finden. Glücklicherweise gebe es keine Reisbeschränkungen mehr.
Anders als im vergangenen Jahr, als der Reiseverkehr weltweit stark eingeschränkt und reglementiert gewesen sei, stünden nun alle Türen für Künstlerinnen und Künstler ob aus Lateinamerika, Afrika, England oder den USA offen. Der Sub Tropen Tango 2021 war als eines der ersten Festivals auf die Bühnen gegangen, allerdings nur 2, bei einer beschränkten Gästezahl. Obwohl die Crew 4 Wochen vor dem Festival noch überzeugt gewesen sei, es nicht machen zu können, war mit der Aufhebung der Beschränkungen und dem Versprechen des Bunds, ein von vornherein defizitäres Festival finanziell zu unterstützen, der Wille da, ein Festival zu machen. Anfangs noch ohne Camping, um dann 3 Tage vor dem Festival in einem heroischen Entschluss und mit der finanziellen Unterstützung sogar der Omas der Crewmitglieder, doch noch den Campingplatz zu öffnen.
Die Omas haben ihr Geld längst zurückbekommen und die Veranstalter sind froh, dass Festival als Sub Festival gemacht zu haben. Es werde unvergesslich bleiben, auch wenn es teilweise in Strömen geregnet habe, am meisten, als der Hessische Rundfunk seine Liveschaltung senden wollte. Die Bühne habe Schutz geboten, aber natürlich habe sich kein Publikum mehr vor der Bühne im Starkregen aufgehalten. Trotzdem sich kurzfristig herausstellte, dass es auch kein Internet mehr am Platz gab, schaffte es der Beitrag doch noch in die Livesendung der Hessenschau.
Für 2022 erwarte man sich besseres Wetter, auch weil diesmal nicht ein Walfisch durch das Festival führe, sondern ein ganz anderes Tier. Sozusagen aus der Asche von Corona auferstanden.
Dass der Tropen Tango und die Crew wieder mit Begeisterung dabei seien, zeigten sie schon am 20. Mai auf dem Besser als Nix Festival in Geisenheim. Dort werden wieder die beliebten veganen Super-Waffeln angeboten werden. Und die 100 ersten Early Bird Tickets für den Tropen Tango 2022. Wie immer ist es die günstigste Stufe des Wochenend-Tickets. Die Ticketpreise sind höher als in den Vorjahren, weil die früheren extrem günstigen Preise, aufgrund der weltweit bekannten Umstände, nicht mehr zu halten seien. Auch neue zeitgemäße Toilettenanlagen mit biologischem Abbau verteuerten die Ausgaben, seien aber gegenüber Dixis hygienischer und einladender.
Wie jedes Jahr bestehe die Möglichkeit, als Festival - Helferin oder - Helfer, den Ticketpreis zurückerstattet zu bekommen. Grundsätzlich sucht das Festival noch nach vielen helfenden Händen in allen Bereichen – von A wie Aufbau bis Z wie Zettelwirtschaft. Alle Infos gibt es auf
Dem ersten Einsatz auf dem „Besser als Nix Festival“, folge Mitte Juni das Engagement auf dem Fusion Festival, wo täglich 8 „Kochmützen“, mit einem Team von 140 Crewmitgliedern, die Crew der Fusion gastronomisch versorgen.
Alle Einsätze dienten dem Zweck, das Festival an den Start zu bringen, das ohne Sponsoren und Öffentliche Gelder veranstaltet werde.
Die Crew freue sich auf neue Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter, biete viele Möglichkeiten der Kreativität und Vernetzung. Wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren würden auch wieder ein Kinder Space mit Betreuung, Lach-Yoga Workshops, Massgae, Siebdruck Werkstatt, Tanz und Info-Stände geboten.
Sub Tropen Tango 2021 auch als Stand up Festival erfolgreich
Der Sub Tropen Tango war eines der ersten Festivals, das unter neuen Voraussetzungen am ersten Augustwochenende an den Start gehen konnte. Nicht mehr 500 Zuschauer, sondern 1500 Zuschauer waren seit August erlaubt. Der Tropen Tango, der in normalen Zeiten 3500 Gäste zählt, hatte bis dato nicht abgesagt, wie die meisten anderen Festivals. Aber niemand aus der Crew hatte mit einer Veranstaltung im August, dazu ohne Vorfinanzierung, gerechnet. Der Großteil hatte die, in den früheren Jahren stets unmöglichen Ferien im August, für Urlaubs-Buchungen genutzt und war entschwunden. Oder aber ließ in der Folge der Ereignisse den Urlaub entschwinden.
Die Ankündigung der Bundesregierung, ab August wieder Tausende Gäste bei Kulturveranstaltungen zuzulassen, öffnete plötzlich ein kleines Türchen der Möglichkeiten. Dazu kam, dass finanzielle Soforthilfen in Aussicht gestellt wurden, sollte die Veranstaltung defizitär enden. Aber eine sofortige Unterstützung für eine von Anfang an defizitäre Veranstaltung gab es nicht. Dass 500 oder 1500 Gäste täglich den materiellen Aufwand von Dixies, Wasseranschlüssen, Stromverlegungen, Anmietungen nicht decken würden, war klar.
Die zu Hause gebliebenen Crewmitglieder stürzten sich trotz fehlender Vorfinanzierung durch Ticketverkauf, in die Planung des Sub Tropen Tangos. Eines deutlich abgespeckten Veranstaltungskonzepts. Hin und her gingen die Meinungen, ob man das Risiko eingehen solle, bis dann endlich 10 Tage vor dem Festivaltermin, die endgültige Entscheidung fiel: wir machen den Sub Tropen Tango 2021. 10 Tage vor dem Festival-Termin, gingen die Tages Tickets online. Ausdrücklich keine Wochenend-Tickets.
Man hatte ein corona- und crewkonformes Konzept mit 500 Tagesgästen, ohne die übliche Campingfläche ausgedacht. Die reduzierte Crew meinte, das reduzierte Konzept stemmen zu können., sah sich aber von einem Campingplatz auf der Wiese, mit Strom-, Wasser-, Toilettenversorgung überfordert.
Das sah das Publikum anders und ließ sich einfach nicht auf das campingfreie Konzept ein. Und so wurde 3 Tage vor Festivalbeginn, das Konzept auf Camping und Wochenend-Tickets umgestellt. Was nicht einfach war, da weder Personal noch Geld für die Infrastruktur vorhanden waren. Privatkredite halfen, Toiletten, Wasser, Strom auf dem Campingplatz zu installieren und sich gastronomisch auf mehr Gäste auf dem Gelände einzustellen.
Und dann kamen die, die gehört hatten, dass das Festival als Sub Tropen Tango stattfindet, ab Freitag nach Tropic City up Wollmerschied Highlands. Trotzdem das Konzept von 8 auf 2 Bühnen verkleinert worden war, nur wenige Stände und Bars das Sonnensegel in der Mitte des Platzes umrundeten, war doch die Magie des Festivals zu spüren. Fast 200 Helferinnen und Helfer hatten es in Windeseile aufgebaut, währenddessen zur gleichen Zeit immer noch Bands gebucht, Plakate gedruckt und diesseits und jenseits des Rheins aufgehängt wurden.
Im Groß-Traum-Büro agierte das Personalmanagement und teilte die Fans des Tropen Tango in Schichten ein, dachte sich Spiele aus, um das Miteinander zu gestalten, entstand eine Siebdruckwerkstatt für T-Shirts und Eigenkreationen.
Der totale Einsatz der Crew wurde belohnt. Trotz Corona-Testung und Wartezeit vor dem Einlass, kamen zahlreiche Fans um über den Platz verteilt, gemeinsam das Fest zu genießen. Auch Regengüsse konnten die Freude nicht trüben, selbst als kurzer Starkregen das Publikum von der Wiese vertrieb. Dies ausgerechnet, als die „Hessenschau“ eine Liveschaltung aus Tropic City vorbereitete. Man fand aber einen trockenen Platz auf der Bühne, um doch noch senden zu können, während im Hintergrund die Bühnentechniker die Elektronik vor der Nässe in Sicherheit brachten. Unter dem anschließenden Regenbogen und Sonnenschein traute sich das Publikum wieder auf die Tanzfläche, während der Hessische Rundfunk eilig den Platz für den nächsten Termin verließ.
Zahlreiche Musikgruppen, Workshops, eine Modenschau und eine Feuershow ließen vergessen, dass es sich „nur“ um einen Sub Tropen Tango handelte.
So waren Polkageist, Il Civetto, Mit Polkageist, Il Civetto, La Fanfarria del Capitan, Cynthia Nickschas & friends, Circolo Vizioso, Xoul Caravan, Colonel Djafaar, Frau Maly macht Musik, Oriental Tropical, Senior Pils, , Ausgangssperre, Cle FX, Flip Flop, Dan Bay, Plenum in der Küche, Paul und Schokolade, Manzana, Kollektiv Schöne Töne, Mirko, Wolf, Hala Belladonna, Tante Kante, Lisa Hollic, Ix in da Mix, Claus Fussek, Herr von Bauch, Paul Geigerzähler und einige andere mehr auf die Bühnen gesprungen, das Publikum tanzte und vergaß für einen Moment den Alltag.
Mit dem Sub Tropen Tango ging eine harte Zeit von 17 Monaten ohne größere Veranstaltungen oder Treffen zu Ende. Eine Zeit ohne Einnahmen, aber mit Förderantragsformularen, Überlebens-Seiltanzakten, aber auch Neuorientierung, Neustrukturierung, Neuausrichtung auf neue Techniken. Das Team hat die Zeit bestmöglich genutzt, um die Organisations- und Veranstaltungsstruktur zu stärken.
Für die Tropen Tango Crew war es das spontanste Festival aller Zeiten, in Interaktion mit dem Publikum und flexiblen Entscheidungen. Zurück bleibt die Gewissheit, dass sie jederzeit und unter allen Umständen, einen Tropen Tango auf die Beine stellen kann. Die Region hat gezeigt, dass sie das, genauso wie die Behörden, unterstützt. Der Lorcher Bürgermeister Ivo Reßler unterstrich in seinem Grußwort, ausdrücklich die Wichtigkeit des Festivals für die Region. Die Fans aus allen Landesteilen der Republik haben gezeigt, dass sie ebenfalls unter allen Umständen einen Tropen Tango zustande bringen.
Die Crew sitzt nun nach dem Abbau und dem Absuchen der Wiese nach Kronkorken, wieder über Antragsformularen, um einen Ausgleich des Defizits und den Fortbestand des Festivals zu sichern. Der Sub Tropen Tango 2021 im Ganzen ist zufrieden, dass das Festival fröhlich, friedlich, kontrolliert und gesund über die 2 Bühnen gegangen ist und blickt optimistisch, wenn auch nicht ganz ohne Sorgen in das Jahr 2022. Dann wieder vom 5.-7. August 2022 in Tropic City up Wollmerschied Highlands
Karma points against donation - Crowdfunding for the Tropen Tango - Tropen Tango 2021 analog, digital or digital-analog.
Live streams and film production in our own studio - Kreativ Garten Cafe on the hiking trail
It has been 12 months since the Tropen Tango held its last event, the “Tropen Tango Soliparty” in Cologne. The already planned Äquinox event in Wiesbaden had to be canceled, various projects and then the Tropen Tango 2020 itself. The long-planned conversation on March 13th, 2020 with the mayor, district administrator, Tropen Tango organizers, their lawyer and the responsible authorities was the first Corona lockdown victim. A clarification between the Tropen Tangoians and the city of Lorch is still pending after the events in 2018 and 2019 and about the future cooperation. But when?
After a decade of Tropical Tango Festival, started in the Wollmerschieder Garden, continued on the sports facility with around 5000 guests and participants on the site and a growing cult character, the organizers are fighting for survival again after 2018. The crew has adapted to the Corona conditions and spontaneously produced the Tropical Tango 2020 as a live stream. With venues in Cologne, Buenos Aires, Wollmanders and Wiesbaden. The “Creative Garden Cafe” also ran temporarily via live stream and videos.
Fortunately, Kloster 9 eV already opened the sociocultural center “Kreativ Garten Cafe” in 2019, a monthly series of workshops, projects and artistic and musical offers from May to December. To participate or to enjoy. Because almost right next to the new hiking trails of the Wisper Trail and Rheinhöhensteig, vegan and vegetarian small dishes, coffee, beer (in corona-free times), lemonades and a good mood invite you to linger. In 2020 there were still small events, especially workshops, when there were no lockdowns in which up to 100 guests would have been allowed under Corona rules. In particular, the topics of graffiti, digitization, filming and earth building have left lasting knowledge with the participants. A light workshop was shot in the doll's house without further ado, the mask workshop evoked memories of the artistic expression of the object mask. The appearance of the clown "Herr von Bauch" finally relieved the laughing muscles of young and old with bubbles, bubbles and meter sticks.
With funding, the Kloster 9 eV association was able to expand its film studio and can now independently produce musical live streams itself. The creative garden cafe will also take place in 2021. The first regular Creative Garden Cafe is planned for May. But with the "Creative Garden Cafe", which is funded by the LAKS (State Working Group on Sociocultural Centers), it is not possible to earn the money required for cultural work.
For the cultural scene, survival has become ultra-tough. The artists have zero income and have disappeared into some jobs. The same is true of the stand operators, who otherwise take care of the physical well-being. The situation is also difficult because many fall through the grid of state aid. Small, voluntarily organized events in particular are threatened with disintegration. From the point of view of the association, large organizations and companies have an easier time claiming losses. For the cultural scene, which puts its heart and soul into the scene on a voluntary basis and at financial risk, it is difficult to deal with automatic rejection notices due to obvious formal errors in the application, a hotline that is never manned and ministries that seem to have no knowledge of cultural work . It gives the feeling that nonprofit cultural work, the goal of which is usually not to make money but to showcase and come together, is not of great importance. Since festivals and other cultural events have so far not had a lobby, it would be time to found the “Association of the Cultural Scene”, says Tropical Tango.
He hopes that the festival will take place again in Tropic City up Wollmphia Highlands in the summer of 2021. It is planned both analogue and digital. With a corona-limited number of visitors, several small events at regionally different locations are being considered. The Tropen Tango Crew is well prepared for this. Because while all artistic activities fell into the corona hole, the crew focused on renovation, structuring, logistics, expansion, and clean-up work. And on many funding applications. With the “Restart program”, the federal government has equipped events for the implementation of the AHA rules with funding for spacers, rapid tests, masks, banners, disinfectants and the like. promoted. The association describes it as a great disappointment that the applications for the "Corona Immediate Help Program for Festivals in Hesse" to overcome liquidity bottlenecks were automatically rejected for the second time because of the falsely stated approval of hygiene measures by the federal government. The help of the Hessian Corona festival program does not arrive, a cultural institution like Tropical Tango is left to its own devices with sight.
An applied for emergency aid was approved in May 2020, but it has long been used up in the one-year cultural lockdown, ongoing expenses without income. Kloster 9 eV now has all the requirements to meet the AHA rules, but no money to bear the running costs such as rent, insurance, fees and other things. Let alone prepare events. The decision is currently under review again.
In an emergency, the Tropen Tango crew has launched a crowdfunding campaign via “Startnext” with the aim of collecting at least € 10,000 in donations by 03/16/2021, but the desired target is € 30,000. So-called "Thank You" are offered for the donations. Pocket ashtrays, t-shirts, hoodies, stardust, karma points, young art from the Rheingau and much more can be purchased for a donation. You can even buy street names on the Tropic City site. Of course, normal donations without “thank you” are also possible, but they should go through the Startnext page. As a non-profit organization, Kloster 9 eV can issue donation receipts. Even the major donor who has not yet appeared. If you want to help the association and the tropical tango, you can do so at . The Tropen Tango Festival takes place from 6-8. 08.2021 took place.
Happy Advent for everyone! Stay healthy. Don't kiss your frog.
If you can, support our Festival und Kloster 9 eV, because like all performers - apart from politicians - we have no way of making money. Nevertheless, our expenses continue. Like in normal life. If you can, we look forward to your donations. Paypal or account.
Despite Corona, Tropen Tango carried out the various workshops - the earth building art workshop was unforgettable - and plowed through summer and autumn. As the last workshop, we are holding a film workshop. Our planned Advent market falls victim to Corona, but we shine brightly in our hearts.
We strive for digitization and professionalization in the team to be able to rock the Tropical Tango 2021. Creativity is in everyone's mind and we can hardly wait to be able to create magical worlds together again soon in the creative chaos. The event-free time gives at least the opportunity to rethink concepts.
We invite all heads and hands, whether creative or not, to be part of the preparation of the Tropen Tango 2021. Digital.
We are specifically looking for people who enjoy the web and art, people who love bookkeeping and others who want to be responsible for the implementation of the Tropen Tango 2021. On the floors, in the gastro, on the site, during planning, in the electrical area, hygiene, admission, camping site, construction, dismantling and whatever else we want to present in concrete terms in the near future. Spontaneous feedback to Concrete information is in preparation.
Hakuna Matata
because it's always much nicer afterwards than before
Roll out your mats, unpack your favorite songs, so loud, so good that you forget the neighbors.
Close your eyes and dream away. To he land of frogs, princesses and festivals.
Or to the beach, jungle,
Summit, a sparkling sunset.
With the drum. Or without. You're there,
right there. Yes, this is a beautiful day
just as father Schmitt likes him.
Fortunately, for example, no campers behind you. Possibly the clique with a conspicuous dialect, in the best drinking and telling mood.
Or the one with the fat mobile home, folding tables and intrusive sound system. With the wrong music.
All not there. No dixies, ticks, drunkards, or people on self-expanding drugs.
So enjoy your Pentecost. It's just awesome.
May the spirit come over all of us, the barriers to communication disappear and we can find that we are all loving, respectful beings. Just some a little different.
So peace to all of us and happy Pentecost. Good vibes and nice tones. Everything is fine, fine, fine.
By the way fuck Corona. Not even more than the exoticism of the undesirable. Froggian.
Happy Pentecost to everybody
Corona Corona - Christmas is canceled!
We celebrate from home.
We want to pull the stopper now. It's true. The Tropical Tango 2020 falls off . Our space shuttle stays in the air. The missile remains on the ground.
Until the 11th Tropical Tango from August 6th to 8th, 2021
@ Tropic City up Wollmanders Highlands.
Large events are prohibited across Germany until August 31, 2020. According to the Hessian Prime Minister V. Bouffier, events with over 100 participants in Hesse are currently considered to be major events. The mayors are waiting for the exact specification from the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, which will most likely be based on similar values.
It hurts not to make the music, not to meet the friends, not to pitch the tent, not to look at the summer clouds on the horizon, to leave the stage and the tropical tango jungle blank, not to have all " those " moments together this time.
The fracked deer and stephouses, the Tropen Tango Crew and the Wollmerschieder mourn the TT 2020. And they are looking forward to the 11th Tropen Tango 2021. Somehow it feels like really hard rock'n roll. Tickets for 2021 will be available as soon as possible.
Until then, we ask for your support in order to lift 2020. We also hope that all of you who need support, including the artists, the traders and all the projects involved, will receive it. When, if not now?
We count our stocks, reopen our shop, ask for donations and support and will start with small projects as soon as possible and responsible. And of course with the “Creative Garden Cafe”. Until then, all along the Internet.
In this context, we urge you to pay attention to who is posting what by whom. Because there are already weird and, above all, fascist contributions, especially in Corona times, that you don't immediately recognize as such. Nobody should try that via the forum “Tropen Tango”.
Please stay true to us. Sometimes take a look at our site. In order not to forget what summer means, you can watch the TT aftermovies. And catch the “ Wisper River Blues ”. And don't forget to keep your thumbs up. Or something like that.
All tickets already purchased for the Tropen Tango 2020 remain valid for the TT 2021.
Until then, let's stay subcultural and creative unity. Stay in touch with the tropical tango. We'll fight each other while the world may be improving and try to get what is possible. Maybe you can also offer something?
In any case: check it out and keep checking our site. We are connected (-:
Tropical Tango 2 020
Space Shuttle will probably stay in the air
Who was it who said when the TT 2019 was dismantled: “What will be going on at the TT next year? Maybe a plague? Hahaha. "
It was probably Marvin. Well, the unimaginable happens, epidemics seem to exist. Hardly escaped the giant tick.
After a long period of tension, the certainty that manifested itself: Tropen Tango 2020 could or will not take place due to the ban on gatherings imposed until August 31, 2020 to contain the Corana pandemic. Our Tropical Tango Shuttle stays in the air.
We are very sorry that we will probably not meet up there in the field in Tropic City up Wollmigart Highlands in 2020 and we already miss you!
Tropen Tango 2020 is probably gone. Long live the tropics Tango 2021. We gonna move. We gonna rock it. Connect and stay active is the order of the day. Like wolves, we roam lonely through the woods, wanted and yet threatened.
Remain in solidarity. The tropical tango, which is designed with a lot of volunteer work and non-profit, has to come up with something again in order to survive. And also the stage and sound distributors, the artists, the traders, everyone who somehow lives through, for and from culture.
Maybe also time to finally make contacts that you have wanted to make for a long time. Connect with new groupings. And stay alert. In Hanau, one of the bars with the fatal shots from 02/02/2020 was attacked again with stone throwing, victims' names were painted black in the city
Our meetings will be smaller for the near future, but we can build projects together and push them through. Festivals and subculture as a whole must not be damaged either materially or in terms of content.
We should be able to stay connected. It would be really cool if something new grew out of the creative tropical tango hole that is emerging. We want to stay on the ball, by no means keep it flat, in this unexpected time of standstill we want to consolidate, improve, repair, rethink our goals, structures and resources. Because standing still is not possible.
Time of silence, time for action. The tailcoat deer enjoy walking through the forest without tailcoats and the stephouses rehearse new steps.
Because Tropen Tango 2021 is coming. In the event of a definitive cancellation in 2020, tickets that have already been purchased for the Tropen Tango 2020 will remain valid for the Tropen Tango 2021.
Until then, stay healthy !!
So sorrrrrrrrrry !!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have the TAKE & KICK OFF for AEQUINOX on March 21, 2020 in context, Wiesbaden due to Corona pandemic prevention ge CANCELED.
We want to avoid any danger to our heroic crew and our admirable audience. New actual time of departure will be announced. Watch out
The Tropen Tango Space Shuttle will remain in the air for the time being and the doors will remain closed for Corona & Co. until further notice. We bow to the Higher Power but hope with everyone, very soon, to bring the TROPEN TANGO OUTTA SPACE ODYSEE 2020 Soli Party to the start.
We would like to thank all actors, directors, crew and artists, especially Manu from the context and his crew, for the passionate preparation of our AEQUINOX KICK OFF TROPICAL TANGO OUTTA SPACE ODYSEE in uncertain times.
We stay tuned to the projects.
Our KICK OFF for the Tropical Tango 2020 is now taking place in the air, above everyone's head. The crew is structured in digital clouds and conferences and looks forward to fellow travelers on every cloud. We will keep you informed.
We need lots of helping hands. In particular, we are currently and intensely looking for cosmonatutes and astronauts for
cosmic web design / programming . If such a talent is spotted, please make sure to send it to our cloud.
We are happy to have participants in all areas.
But most important: Don't kiss your horse for a while and keep an eye on the frog. Take care of yourselves. Don't get upset. Everything will be fine. Either way. Gonna rock it (-:
on March 21, 2020 in context, Wiesbaden
Scheduled landing of the “Tropen Tango 2020 Space Shuttle in the Space of Common Ground” from 2:00 p.m. The doors open.
Everything galactic is spontaneous! Now the plan: We clean our spaceship and hang Noah's Ark on the back. We are getting ready for the TAKE OFF on August 7th at 3:00 p.m. CET @ Tropic City up Wollmigart Highlands.
We check, plan and wire, radio into space and look for the aliens. Are you an alien and want to communicate with us? Talk? Learn more? Participate, be there, get to know aliens? Or do you come to our planet and like it?
We get out of the spacesuits and present what the tropics tango is about and invite you to travel the Milky Way together.
We fire our spaceship on 40 stations, which we want to bring you closer to you as an awesome mass puzzle on the craziest games evening of the last 4 months. Maybe you have BOCK / BÖCKIN to participate and to accompany us on the journey in our Space Arche?
At the beginning we decontaminate the past. Space shuttles have to be light.
Lara Vucemilovic celebrates shamanistic rituals for the equinox and good contact with the universe. Lara also invites you to let go of the old in the shamanistic ritual, for example to hand something old over to the cleansing fire or to write old spiritual prass on small pieces of paper and let it pass in the fire.
Actually, we'd be together on the grandiose merger now. With the bass of the floating stage snipping and sizzling, sweating and with a dust mask on the go, dancing, music, music, music and people people people. We would have loved to rock it again, would have liked to meet everyone. Digest the unthinkable and stick with it. Budget hole in the police. At least a couple of memories.
The Wollmerschieder fire brigade cordially invites you to the HALEFEUER. With mulled wine, sausages and singing. Shrove Tuesday from 5:00 p.m., Wollmanders sports field
The halefire arises from the tradition, similar to the old carnival customs, to drive away the winter. Every year a huge fire is lit on Carnival Tuesday. The further course provides information about the weather of the year. The Wollmerschieder fire brigade is happy about the lively winter expulsion together
PM monastery 9 - 2019-09-12 / 12: 32 h
Clothes make the man - 3 workshops and open stage in the 5th Kreativ Garten Cafe von Kloster 9 eV
After a successful Tropical Tango Festival 2019, the Kloster 9 eV association is increasingly turning to the expansion of the vom Hess. Ministry of Science and Art sponsored socio-cultural center Kloster 9 to. For the 5th time the Kreativ Garten Cafe takes place in the Wollmerschieder monastery garden.
In addition to the opportunity to be pampered with delicious food and drinks - this time by chef Johannes - there is again the chance for unrecognized talents to climb the stage and make themselves known. This possibility is of course also available to known talents and future tropical tango stars.
The focus of the event is on 3 workshops, each 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., led by tropical tango coaches.
Following the vegan food trend, the Seitan workshop by Mattes from Hanau finally reveals the secret of how a juicy roast or steak can be made from a wheat protein product without even having processed a hint of an animal product. However, this workshop is not for people with a gluten allergy.
Kloster 9 has been cooking vegan for years, the vegan super waffles at the Besser als Nix Festival, as well as the great backstage cuisine at the Fusion Festival, are always very popular.
The main focus of Saturday is on costumes and their materials. Kloster 9 opens the doors to its large collection of costumes and wants to inspire the workshop participants to transform fantasies into their own, wearable creations. Käthe from Wiesbaden gives the necessary ideas and assistance in the workshop “Clothes make the man”.
A possible result of this sewing workshop could be the spontaneous theater on the monastery stage.
For all those for whom sewing needles and frills are too filigree, the 3rd wood construction workshop "Bauwagen chic & weatherproof" by Charly from Freiburg is ideal. The master carpenter and one of the architects of the Electro-Floors at the Tropen Tango Festival, passes on his professional timber construction trailer knowledge to interested parties.
Material is provided in all workshops and admission is free.
The association Kloster 9 eV is looking forward to a lively participation on September 14th, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the monastery garden, Klosterstr. 9, 65391 Wollmisticated
Rheingau Echo 08/15/2019 - 09:35 AM by Steffi Weiler
Tropical Tango 2019
Musical, artistic and subcultural diversity
Musician Rogan Yosh was enthusiastic as in previous years
its musical diversity and was once again an integral part of the festival.
Wool difference. (sw) - The organizers of the Tropen Tango Festival in Wollmigart have had a tough year.
After the festival in 2018 was about to be canceled due to the acute danger of forest fires and there were big losses
had to record, the members of the organizing association Kloster 9, pulled themselves up again and into the
In the past few months, we have worked towards bringing the festival back to its usual size this year. "It was
a stressful time, ”confesses Rike Kochem from the association's board of directors.
The mood was somewhat subdued until Friday, when it was clear that everything could take place as planned, but everyone's tension had dropped. "Then everything was actually back to normal.", She said happily. "At this tenth Tropical Tango, we again sold many day tickets and are again approaching the number of visitors from the successful 2017. We were also able to make up part of the deficit from last year through soli parties," said Kochem. The great response to this year's Tropical Tango has largely ended last year. The district administrator had also stopped by at the festival and overall there was good support from the region and the police.
45 bands on the stage
After the lengthy preparations and organizational tasks, everything is now going well. "Everyone is happy and we were able to win great artists and initiatives for the tropical tango again", Kochem sums up. Visitors from England were also enthusiastic about the musical and artistic diversity that they do not know from festivals in their home country. Because the tenth tropical tango was also characterized by the mixture of different styles, musical directions and generations. 45 bands and musicians ensured that there was something to be found for almost every musical wish on the many stages of tropical tango. While “Orange” caused a lively crowd in front of the “Trop City” stage on Saturdays, the previous evening the band “Guru Guru”, founded 50 years ago, had excited. Fortunately, the well-known group “Mokoomba” from Africa could be won over for the festival, as they were in transit at the time, according to Kochem. Numerous female artists were also on the line-up of the festival this year. Whether the English Polly and Sophie Duniam, who provided rap with bass-driven beats as “My Bad Sister”, the “KubiaQueers” from Argentina or singer Dota Kehr, woman power was by no means neglected at the Tropen Tang 2019.
Newcomers and young talents
And newcomers also found a stage at the festival. Like years ago, when the now internationally known musician “Milky Chance” was on the tropical tango stage, Rike Kochem sees great potential in some of the musicians this year as well. "One of my highlights this year was the rapper Ceschi, I have the feeling that he will be great," she explained. The rapper Ceschi Ramos from New Haven in Connecticut has gained numerous experiences in bands of different genres in addition to rap in recent years and has developed his very own style. In addition to the numerous musicians, other artists were also able to present these again at the three-day festival. In addition to graffiti artists who put colorful works of art on walls in front of the festival goers' eyes, the collectives “Peifen Sound” and “Mach mal dass” again provided special experiences on the D'up Hang, while other artists provided various installations here and in the Wandelwald , Silhouettes and light installations for a very special atmosphere that changes again in the evening. Workshops to experience and participate, on the other hand, were found on the cultural field. From African drumming, yoga classes to intuitive painting, screen printing and free dancing, there were numerous activities here for adults and children.
Relaxed and peaceful this tropical tango with its numerous areas and colorful diversity ended on Sunday, August 4th. So that all visitors come home safe and healthy, the organizers appealed to the visitors that they should rather stay longer before someone who is drunk or under other influences gets behind the wheel. "Anyone who gets behind the wheel in such a condition and wants to drive down the track will likely get off the winding road before the police can control them.", Musician Rogan Yosh also emphasized during his performance on Sunday and appealed also to the reason of the visitors, before the tropical tango veteran with the colorful feather headdress around his shoulders continued to inspire his audience. During the checks by the police, who checked vehicles especially on the day of their departure, they found that, unlike in previous years, happily, drug-influenced car occupants were predominantly on the road as passengers.
Wiesbaden Courier 08/05/2019
Weddings in the jungle
Published on August 5th, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on August 5th, 2019 at 3:40 am
By Thorsten Stötzer
Synthetic music very close to nature: The electro stage is bustling with activity. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
WOLLMERSCHIED - Too much freedom can be overwhelming. “I look for a yoga teacher who tells me when to breathe in - and when to stop,” sings Dota Kehr during the tropical tango in Wollmigart. The songwriter from Berlin has more to say about reduced housing allowances, the climate, “bad fascists” and sexists as well as about capitalism, because “money spoils character”. Perhaps her pieces are a little “fatalistic and apocalyptic”, admits Dota Kehr on the Trop-City stage. But she also gives hope with the song “Pregnant women in the hardware store”, which ironically addresses the general mood of optimism. The star guest's praise for the festival sounds more direct: "You can tell that many volunteers are still active here, I appreciate that."
Colorful mix of alternative subcultures
Rike Kochem from the organizing association Kloster 9 speaks of the "good spirit" and of normalization. This means that the number of visitors should approach the target of 3,500 people again, after a decline in the previous year due to the threat of cancellation due to the risk of forest fires. In general, a "stressful security concept year" lies behind the organizers.
After a major inspection for approval, the Dub-Hang and the Wandelwald are now available again. Officially, no more forest fire level has been declared at the moment. So it can go high on and in front of the eight stages. The rappers from “Ostberlin Androgyn” are currently reporting on the Woodhood stage what it feels like to be “locked up at home on the 19th floor”. That can't happen to anyone in Wollm Resorts, where the most dub tendency rises up for reggae fans.
The tenth Tropical Tango again offers a truly colorful mix of musical styles and alternative subcultures. In the forest you can read poems on wooden boards, it is about home and abroad, about the surrounding area and the hinterland. Indians and dwarfs and, as a highlight, a sculpture modeled on the giant stone heads of Easter Island. In the evening, the festival starts to glow thanks to illuminated paper cuttings and a trampoline that was hung in the trees for projections.
“There is hardly a festival that is so child-friendly,” says Rogan Yosh from Wiesbaden, who as an artist owns the stage on Sunday afternoons. He regularly helps shape the tropical tango. The “Church of the Subgenius” has also established itself there, in which a Reverend named Vadim even performs tropical tango weddings. There is also a “dome”, which is intended for sounds rather than sermons.
Before that, young people relax under an apple tree. It grows on the cultural field, which looks like a green marketplace, where life pulsates between performances and workshops. At her stand, Maren Storke shows how pebbles can be gilded so that squirrels and penguins appear on them. The Munich resident traveled to Wollmigart for the first time and is amazed: “I thought this was such a cute little festival” - somehow it just seems cute now.
Wiesbaden Courier July 16, 2019
Tropical tango: struggle for survival with vegan cuisine
Published on July 16, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on July 16, 2019 at 8:19 am
The tropical tango in Wollmigart goes into the next round at the beginning of August. 45 bands then appear on the stages. Creative ideas are needed to make up for the previous year's deficit.
By Thorsten Stötzer
The clown "Herr von Bauch" floats by on his magic carpet. Otherwise, the garden café, which serves to prepare the tropical tango, is also creative. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
WOLLMERSCHIED - Even in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, posters refer to the tropical tango. "There is a lot of wool on the wall everywhere", says Rike Kochem from the organizing association Kloster 9. The marketing coup results from the involvement in the fusion festival there: Vegan food was cooked backstage for two and a half weeks and a café was operated. 143 people took part in a 24-hour operation to help the tropical tango.
The Wollmerschieder have been at the Fusion Festival for years, but this time they have greatly expanded their commitment in the run-up to their own event (Friday, 2nd to Sunday, 4th August). The reason for this is the deficit that remained from the difficult year 2018, when the Tropical Tango threatened to be canceled due to an acute risk of forest fire.
Merchandising proceeds
thanks to the new online shop
After a legal dispute, the party was celebrated, but the quarrels cost visitors to attend. Instead of 3500 paying guests, 2500 came in the end, said the chairman of Kloster 9, Jannis Kochem. This led to a loss of income of 80,000 euros. In addition, according to his words, there were 40,000 euros in additional expenses that were due due to the fire protection concept.
The tenth edition of the tropical tango brings a total of 45 bands to the Wollmerschieder stages from Friday, 2nd to Sunday, 4th August. On the opening day, an "English Evening" with eight groups from the island sets the tone. The songwriter Dota Kehr will perform on Saturday, on Sunday the Krautrock veterans of "Guru Guru" will be the focus of the festival.
Workshops, activities on the cultural field, readings, yoga and a Brazilian tobacco ceremony - but no smoking - are also on the program. The home of the Argentine women's band "Kumbia Queers" is probably the most distant. Larynx singing offers the formation "Orange". Ring traffic and a speed limit will be set up on the roads to Wollmigart.
Further information is available on the Internet at
To compensate for this, the club members invited to two solo parties in Wiesbaden: "Both were very successful," says Rike Kochem. As usual, waffles were sold at the Better-Than-Nix Festival in Geisenheim, and a new online shop brings merchandising revenues to the tropical tango. Treasurer Antonia Guth is happy about 3400 Euro donations, which were made in the remainder of 2018 alone. Other supporters borrowed money, and then it went to the Fusion Festival.
Jannis Kochem explains that around a third of the deficit from the previous year was made up for by oneself. But what he calls the "spatial institutionalization" of the tropical tango had to take a back seat: the creation of a professional position and the purchase of a barn. Other funding opportunities are being sought for this, and the Leader program may offer an opportunity. Not all of the upheavals of the previous year have been eliminated for a long time; the actors speak of the "struggle for survival".
"Damage to the image" has to be borne by the suppliers. The relationship with the city of Lorch is apparently still extremely tense. Nevertheless, there was a second on-site visit recently because of the security concept, and preparations are underway. There were also three creative garden cafés on the calendar, which serve to prepare the tropical tango; the country promotes them as a "socio-cultural project".
Individual "crews" meet to create art objects or mix new drinks. In principle, however, the workshops are open to everyone. At the Wollmerschieder sports field, construction work is running in parallel, because after all eight stages are being built there, and building work is already being carried out on the "Dubhang". A total of 350 to 400 helpers are active in various forms for the tropical tango.
Wiesbaden Courier June 17, 2019
Ivo Reßler wins the mayor's runoff election in Lorch
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on June 17th, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on June 17th, 2019 at 11:20 am
The new mayor of Lorch is Ivo Reßler. The non-party candidate won the runoff election with 51.17 percent of the vote against incumbent Jürgen Helbing, who received 48.83 percent.
Relieved and happy: Election winner Ivo Reßler with his wife Nadine. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
LORCH - His followers populate the street in front of his house, but the future mayor of Lorch takes a few minutes to himself. “He wanted to be alone for a moment,” they say, but Ivo Reßler will return soon. With 51.17 percent of the vote, the independent candidate, supported by the FWG, won the runoff election over Jürgen Helbing (CDU), who received 48.83 percent on Sunday evening. The data fades into the background in the Wisperstrasse. “Ivo” choirs turn into a somewhat hesitant “this is what winners look like”. Reßler is carried a little on the shoulders, hug follows hug.
Almost two hours earlier, at 6:04 p.m., he came into the meeting room of the town hall, the salmon-colored shirt casually over his belt, and initially had no reason to cheer at the presentation of the results: at 6:09 p.m. the first result was 72.2 percent for Helbing Espenschied, Reßler lost again there compared to the first ballot, instead of 33.1 he still achieved 27.8 percent. The prospects change with the second partial result: Wollmigart has counted and reports an epoch-making 94.3 percent for the challenger; the incumbent received only five individual votes in the hilltop location.
76.7 percent from Ransel and significant increases on the Ranselberg also speak for Reßler, who also has a narrow majority in Lorchhausen. However, Helbing is ahead in both core city electoral districts. It remains exciting when the wait for the postal voting numbers begins. Postal voting is by far the largest electoral office - larger than both core city bars put together.
Helbing caught up with 24 votes in the runoff election, but that was not enough. Reßler has a total of 43 more votes. "I knew from the start that it would be tight," he explains after the first congratulations. Ransel and Wollmisticated alone gave him a lead of 179 votes. Helbing later called the two villages “scorched earth” in terms of the chances of reaping recognition there.
"The mood of change made itself felt," says Reßler. “Being close to the people” was more decisive than topics like kindergartens or property taxes. He has seen encouragement from all generations that he not only wants people to have a say, but also to participate.
"Very dissatisfied with the result" and "simply shocked about being voted out of office," says Helbing, who is spending the election evening in his office. He doesn't know what he's done wrong, he says, referring to funding and "investments in every nook and cranny". After 53 years in the public service, he will retire in a few months and no longer seek political office.
Helbing accepts the result as democratic. At the same time he complains about a "real agitation", which was also directed against his family. “Outrage” had been scattered about Reßler because of the age difference of 13 years. That's why he doesn't want to be photographed with the opposing candidate.
Frankfurter Allgemeine
OFFICE HOLDER VOTED: New town hall chiefs in Lorch and Herborn
UPDATED 06/16/2019 - 09:49 PM
Deselected: The long-time mayor of Lorch, Jürgen Helbing, has to vacate his post Image: dpa
Lorch am Rhein gets a new town hall chief. There the non-party Ivo Reßler prevailed against the long-time incumbent. Herborn will be ruled by a woman from now on.
Lorch am Rhein gets a new town hall chief. The 68-year-old incumbent Jürgen Helbing ( CDU ) has to vacate his post after eleven years. He is succeeded by Ivo Reßler, an independent candidate. As the municipality reports on its website, Reßler won the election with just under 51.2 percent. He was once a member of the Union and is supported by the Free Voters. ……….
Tropical Tango pulls the plug - Festival 2020 canceled
11th Tropical Tango Festival from August 6-8, 2021
Sobering news from the tropical headquarters: the Tropen Tango Festival 2020 from August 7th to 9th, 2020 has been canceled. Although yesterday there were still no binding figures from the Hess. Ministry of the Interior for the definition of the term and size of major events prohibited until August 31, 2020, the festival is based on the recommendation of Hess cited by the Mayor of Lorch Reßler. Prime Minister Bouffier. Then a major event begins with 100 participants. Nationwide decisions on major events are made in a conference by Federal Chancellor Dr. Merkel and the Prime Ministers can be expected on April 30th. District Administrator Kilian informed the organizer, Kloster 9 eV, about this.
The “Tropical Tango Outta Space Odyssey 2020 Take Off Äquinox Soliparty” on March 21st. and other events had to be canceled by the club. Gradually, festivals like BAN and “Fusion” also canceled. This means that the pre-financing of the Tropen Tango with a waffle stand and backstage catering was also canceled. Non-profit associations such as Kloster 9 eV are not allowed to create any financial reserves according to association law. Since the association was affected from the beginning of the Corona crisis and carefully researched the topic, no one was really surprised by the ban on major events, says 1st chairman Jannis Kochem. The aim now is to create clarity for all those affected as early as possible. Nevertheless, like all now unprofitable cultural workers, there is fear for the survival of the festival and its structures. Overall, however, the corona crisis may also be a possible impetus for future cooperation between the various festivals.
After the festival had to fight violently and in solidarity with the village and fans for the event in 2018 due to the illegal prohibition of the city of Lorch and also for financial survival due to the reduced number of guests, in 2019 they were happy to have almost overcome this low with all the excitement. Now the struggle for survival for the association Kloster 9 eV starts anew. Applications have to be made, appeals for donations posted and creative ideas born. They consider themselves lucky to have broader legs in terms of content, despite the focus on the annual festival. The many participating projects from far and near would bring together a great potential of possibilities, ideas, genres and materials. What can be achieved in Corona times will now be discussed in digital conferences. That works very well and professionalization in the digital area was planned for this year anyway.
According to the regulations, they hope to be able to invite again to the very successful “Creative Garden Cafe” with 6 creative weekends in 2019 and the filmic projects also continued in the home office. Kloster 9 eV hopes to be able to consolidate its structure as a socio-cultural center in the hinterland forest.
The top priority at the moment is the application for Corona emergency aid, the maintenance of the association's work and the creation of appropriate financial support, also through donations, the shop and upcoming projects. The association is happy that in 11 years of alternative cultural work it has been able to establish a stable network with people and groups from all over Germany and is excited to see how things will continue in times of social distancing.
The last meeting of the crew took place for the first preparatory meeting with Mayor Reßler for the Tropical Tango 2020, scheduled for March 13th. The mayor had to cancel the appointment for Corona reasons, all authorities involved were also not available because of Corona. Nobody knows at the moment when the next physical crew meeting will be.
But it is very certain that the 11th Tropical Tango, which is actually planned for 2020, will actually take place from August 6th to 8th, 2021 @ Tropic City up Wollmigart Highlands. Because the booking crew continues to work. He hopes to be able to book all of the bands booked for 2020 for 2021 as well. First of all, the bad news is going out to the artists and merchants. The crew and the fan base registered extremely sad that “Christmas” was canceled. The howling wolf of the failed tropical Tango 2020 symbolizes this. Because the festival and especially the social activities and life on the campsite are like Christmas for many, an annual meeting with friends or family. For others, it is one of the cult festivals in a series of summer festivals. And it is an opportunity to gain a lot of new contacts and musical impressions.
This has now all been postponed by 1 year and gives the crew time to implement content and structural refreshing. And maybe there will still be a meeting: for the Tropical Tango New Year's Eve party. This time on December 31, 2020. Until then, a forum for young art and culture on the website should entertain the fans. The idea is to present short visible and / or audible videos. Everyone can take part. More at Tickets for 2021 are also available there. Tickets purchased for 2020 remain valid for 2021.
Donation account: Kloster 9 eV
Rheingau Volksbank
DE95 5109 1500 0000 1015 40
Keyword Tropen Tango 2020
04/28/2020 Tropic City
Wiesbaden Courier June 15, 2019
Safety concept for tropics tango in Wollmigart stands
Published on June 15, 2019 at 00:00
(red). "The Tropen Tango 2019 is on safe feet," reports Rike Kochem from the organizer Kloster 9. During an on-site visit on the festival site, the police station ...
WOLLMERSCHIED - (red). "The Tropen Tango 2019 is on safe feet", reports Rike Kochem from the organizer Kloster 9. During an on-site visit on the festival site, the structures of the security concept for traffic, water supply, fire protection, personal safety and disaster control are under the direction of the Rüdesheim police station and the West Hesse police department discussed and modified, says Kochem. The head of the Lorch public order office, who canceled at short notice, and the Lorch city fire inspector were not on site.
The Tropen Tango, a cultural festival with a lot of music and art events, takes place from August 2nd to 4th in Wollmigart. Last year the festival almost canceled. After the persistent drought, the city of Lorch had security concerns. The legal and political processing of the incidents has not yet been fully completed.
To finance the Tropen Tango 2019, the crew runs one of the backstage kitchens at the Fusion Festival, which takes place at the end of June at a former Russian military airport near Rostock, reports Kochem.
Wiesbaden Courier June 14, 2019
Before the runoff election in Lorch, there are also “unsightly things”
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on June 14th, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on June 14th, 2019 at 3:10 am
The age difference between the two mayors worries voters in Lorch. However, the candidates themselves do not want to know anything about it.
Shaping the future and using new paths: The candidates have positioned themselves again, here in Espenschied with unequal proportions. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
LORCH - In a runoff election, participation often threatens to lag behind that of the first round. At least this is not the case with postal votes in Lorch, where the final decision on the office of mayor will be made on Sunday. The 725 postal voter mark has already been exceeded, and "there is still a lot to be done," reports election officer Alexandra Berghäuser. For comparison: on May 26th, only 637 Lorchers used the postal voting option.
More voters in the second round
Some citizens have applied for their documents with the note that they have not yet participated in the first ballot, Berghäuser continues to describe. All results are to be presented on Sunday, June 16, from 6 p.m. in the meeting room of the town hall. The candidates, incumbent Jürgen Helbing from the CDU, and the independent Ivo Reßler, supported by the FWG, want to be there.
Both spent a few days abroad in the final phase of the election campaign. Helbing's trip to the French partner communities, also accompanied by guard girls, is likely to have been more entertaining than Reßler's professional stay in London. Now both are back on site and will probably show their presence again at the notches in Lorchhausen and Wollmigart.
"I hope for a high turnout," says Helbing. Both applicants agree that the mobilization of their own supporters is more important than the fight for the 183 votes of the retired SPD candidate Georg Breitwieser. "Continuity for Lorch" is a catchphrase of the incumbent town hall chief. It should stand for debt relief while at the same time investing in urban development. Ivo Reßler still wants to mingle with the people: “I like to be on the go,” he asserts. “The feedback is positive,” he says, although he was also confronted with criticism at the Whisperfest. But he wants to keep his positions because of that. The 55-year-old challenger describes the interest in getting to know him personally.
The expectations of the Federal Garden Show 2029 are great in Lorch. However, around this central topic there are “irrelevant and unsightly things”, as Helbing says. What is meant is that, as a 68-year-old, he was denied that he could still bear responsibility at the time of the Buga. “I don't feel old at all, my head is fine,” emphasizes the mayor.
People were worried about the Buga, Reßler confirms. However, Helbing's years of life are "not my topic," he does not mention the age difference on his own initiative. In agreement with Helbing, he emphasizes that the upcoming electoral term ends in 2026. So no Buga mayor will be appointed on Sunday anyway, but "the choice is open, it will be very exciting", Ivo Reßler is certain. Jürgen Helbing speaks of a “choice of direction”.
Tropical Tango 14-06-2019
The Tro pen Tango 2019 is on safe feet - on-site meeting under the patronage
While the artistic equipment for the festival has already been prepared in 2 workshops in the 2nd Creative Garden Cafe of the socio-cultural center Kloster 9 eV, the structural basis for the festival is now being laid down. During an on-site meeting on the festival site, the structures of the Tropen Tango 2019 security concept for traffic, water supply, fire protection, personal security, disaster control and fire protection were discussed and modified. The Tropen Tango 2019 is on safe feet.
2 hours before the on-site visit, the event was suddenly on the brink when everyone involved was canceled at short notice by the head of the Lorch public order office. Suddenly, the organizers had the pictures from 2018 in mind again, when the festival was canceled shortly before the beginning of the festival by the regulatory office.
However, under the patronage of the Rüdesheim police and the West Hesse police department, the on-site meeting finally came about. Only the Lorch city fire inspector was not on site. The appointment was very constructive and made it clear that everyone is working towards the common goal of guaranteeing the festival guests a good and safe event. They also rely on the mayor's pledges to actively support the city's largest event and also with municipal material.
The organizers of the 10th Tropical Tango Festival have had a tough and exciting time working for the festival since the festival summer 2018.
The illegal ban on events had deterred many guests from arriving and resulted in a large financial deficit for the organizer. The association has worked intensively with many campaigns, solo parties, a waffle stand, appeals for donations, privately borrowed money and a shop to reduce the deficit and to generate everything the 2019 festival needs. The pre-sale tickets Early Bird and Lazy Bird are already sold out.
However, a clarification of the incidents and the official procedure with the city of Lorch has not been possible until today. A total of four times the topic of tropical tango was removed from the agenda of political committees with reference to ongoing legal proceedings, although the city of Lorch has long since lost the process for the suspension of the event as well as the process for the assumption of court costs. Only the amount of the court costs remains to be judged by the court.
The view of the city of Lorch that basic appointments can be canceled in a tight time frame without consultation, or that clubs are legally not allowed to make a profit and therefore a deficit of tens of thousands of euros is acceptable or normal, is far from reality and appreciated from the point of view of the organizers the resource of the commitment of hundreds of people for a supraregional festival in no way would have even almost destroyed the festival.
The short-term cancellation of the on-site meeting briefly relived the excitement and hectic of 2018. Because a new date would have been difficult, time is running out for the club. The crew is currently packing tents, cooking pots, building materials, decoration, advertising material, tables, chairs and counters for their cooking at the big Fusion Festival near Rostock. There, Kloster 9 eV is one of the backstage kitchens and cooks delicious vegan food 24 hours a day for the artists and the crew of the Fusion. To finance the Tropen Tango 2019.
The merger itself was on the brink this year because the new police chief of the region wanted to insist on a police station in the middle of the festival area. He also did not shy away from bringing fabricated crimes into play. Ultimately, after a petition signed by almost 100,000 people, the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania interior minister stood in front of the festival, the police chief's plan was dropped, and the merger took place as before.
For the cultural landscape and also for the political attitude of the region, festivals are important cultural and music oases, in which the most varied of lifestyles meet and unite to an event that does not exist in everyday life. Many other regional and national activities would result from this.
An example of this is the Kreativ Garten Cafe, which the socio-cultural center Kloster 9 eV has organized for the second time. The Wiesbaden artist Areeg Mulhi and the Munich artist Robert Klein inspired the participants to recycle in 2 workshops. The result is unique art and decorative objects that all participants donated to the tropical tango. Culture in the hinterland forest is fun and tastes good, the workshop participants found at the end of a dazzling creative garden cafe day.
And are already looking forward to the festival from August 2nd to 4th, 2019. The coveted Tropen Tango hard tickets are available in the well-known advance booking offices or at
Wiesbaden Courier May 28, 2019
Runoff election for the office of mayor of Lorch. Election for the office of mayor of Lorch
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on May 28, 2019 at 3:00 a.m., last changed on May 28, 2019 at 3:10 a.m.
The non-party Ivo Reßler (left) and incumbent Jürgen Helbing (SPD) will go into the runoff election on June 16, Photo: René Vigneron
For the Lorch mayoral candidates Jürgen Helbing and Ivo Reßler, the election campaign will continue until June 16. Then it is decided in a runoff election who will be head of the town hall.
The non-party Ivo Reßler (left) and incumbent Jürgen Helbing (SPD) will go into the runoff election on June 16, Photo: René Vigneron
LORCH - Lorch are facing three more weeks of election campaigns, which the two remaining candidates will not contest permanently. Mayor Jürgen Helbing (CDU) will be traveling with a group to the French twin cities of St. Benoit and Ligugé for five days from tomorrow: “I definitely won't refuse that.” After Whitsun, Ivo Reßler, who is non-party, spends three days working in London.
This shortens the time for analyzes. "That is not understandable," says Helbing about his result of 44.88 percent, with which he ranks just behind Reßler's 45.75 percent. No question about it, the incumbent and his supporters expected a win in the first round. “Maybe we haven't made it clear enough what happened in Lorch in recent years,” suspects the current mayor.
There will be no new posters
Helbing does not recognize any disadvantage of the high altitude locations either and points to large investments. So he wants to make his points clear again, but in contrast to Reßler, relies less on door-to-door calls. The challenger still wants to be personally present and approach people. He wants to present his concepts on site and make people aware that “I am not just telling something”.
Wiesbaden Courier May 28, 2019
Comment on the Lorcher mayoral election: Exciting
Published on May 28, 2019 at 2:55 am, last changed on May 28, 2019 at 3:10 am
LORCH - At Christmas, Ivo Reßler himself sees it that way, hardly anyone in Wollmigart could have done anything with his name. Now he has won 75 percent of the votes in the Lorch mayoral election in the village, which shows that persuasiveness does not have to be based on a long political career and a lot of experience in main and honorary positions. Now the non-party applicant is going into the runoff election with a small lead over incumbent Jürgen Helbing across the city. But nothing has been decided yet. It remains to be seen whether Helbing's arguments about investments and debt relief will outstrip the latent mood of change until June 16. Despite all the tension, one thing is certain: Georg Breitwieser's single-digit result is disastrous - even in times when the SPD is struggling to win voters at all levels.
Wiesbaden Courier May 27, 2019
Reßler and Helbing are voting in Lorch
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on May 27th, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on May 27th, 2019 at 1:34 pm
The non-party candidate Ivo Reßler got the most votes in the mayoral election in Lorch from a standing start. He is going to the runoff election on June 16 with incumbent Helbing.
Radiant surprise winner of the first round: Ivo Reßler (right), here with FWG chairman Stefan Gellweiler. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
LORCH - A simple screen in the Lorch town hall attracts attention like a television set at the World Cup finals. Little by little, quick reports about the mayoral election are being received. A trend can be seen: the black bar and the light blue are gradually converging; after the sixth of eight partial results, light blue is the trump card for the first time. It stays that way, albeit a little.
Age as a plus for the youngest candidate?
This means that the independent candidate Ivo Reßler, who is supported by the FWG, will go into the runoff election on Sunday, June 16, against incumbent Jürgen Helbing (CDU) with a small margin. Reßler has a total of 45.75 percent, ahead of Helbing with 44.88 percent, which in absolute numbers means a lead of 17 votes with a turnout of 68.5 percent. Georg Breitwieser's (SPD) application ends in single digits at 9.37 percent.
Helbing achieved his best result in Espenschied with 60.33 percent and had absolute majorities in the postal vote and in the constituency of the town hall with 51.20 percent and 50.96 percent. Reßler, on the other hand, achieved a smooth 75 percent in Wollmigart and 63.68 percent in Ransel, which is likely to be due to the cooperation with the FWG. But even in Lorchhausen, the non-party brings it to 53.22 percent and ranks just ahead of Helbing in the Bürgerhaus Kernstadt polling station.
"I actually had no feeling at all," says Reßler. However, he experienced a boost the day before when he was again in conversation with 120 citizens. As a plus point, the elderly have emphasized that, unlike the competitors, he will probably not be relinquished before the Buga 2029.
The assessment that nothing was going on in the city and that a concept was missing was also brought to him, according to Reßler. The Lorcher FWG chairman Stefan Gellweiler names the DSL supply and closings of kindergarten and fire department as examples. The hope that Reßler will “take people on board” is associated with Reßler.
“I didn't expect that,” confesses Jürgen Helbing. He wanted to win in the first round and points to his "objective election campaign" in which he tried to show what has been achieved in recent years and what is planned. However, the FWG mobilized more with flyers and posters.
"I cannot understand that, my disappointment is extremely big," summarized the CDU parliamentary group leader Thomas Schott. Anyone walking through the city must be aware of the progress. As the mayor, he is particularly surprised by the data from Lorchhausen, because after all, a lot of Ikek money is flowing into the district.
Next balloting parallel to notches in the districts
“The boundless longing for change, whatever,” says Georg Breitwieser responsible for his “clear defeat”. He was probably also counted among the elderly. Even on the local Ranselberg he was only third with 21.85 percent of the vote.
In the opinion of the SPD city councilor Michael Happ, the federal trend is too unfavorable. In addition, it "left question marks" that the SPD initially did not want to put up a candidate and then nominated one. Now there is an exciting 16 June ahead of us: In Wollmanders and Lorchhausen there is curb and the runoff election in all of Lorch.
Freedom wins: No guard and no police patrols at the Fusion Festival Freedom wins: no guard and no police patrols at the Fusion Festival
The conflict over the Fusion Festival has been settled for the time being. Only under the impression of a nationwide debate and scandalous revelations did the interior minister and his police chief give in. A comment.
May 24th, 2019 at 5:31 pm - Markus Reuter - 4 additions
People stand in a hangar on the Fusion site. (Archive image) CC-BY-SA 2.0
In the end, he sold the result as a wise negotiating success of his authorities. But in reality, the Mecklenburg Interior Minister Caffier (CDU) and his police chief Hoffmann-Ritterbusch crashed in the attempt to set up a police station on the Fusion site and patrol the site around the clock without cause. This plan had been widely viewed as an attack on fundamental rights and civil liberties.
In today's parliamentary debate in Schwerin, the Minister of the Interior made it clear: There will be no police station on the fenced-in festival area and no police patrols that move across the area without cause. The police will only have event-related access, as they had legally in previous years.
Even the local CDU turned against the police
The Fusion organizers have thus asserted the position they have been taking since November last year. The festival is considered to be one of the most peaceful major events ever and has a liberal but effective security structure . At the moment, only minor improvements and requirements have to be implemented in the security concept; approval by the regulatory office in the next week is considered likely.
The merger has been riding a wave of solidarity for two weeks. Here also at a climate academy on May 24th in Rostock. All rights reserved Daniel Filou
The current outcome of the negotiations was preceded by a debate in which Police President Hoffmann-Ritterbusch and the Minister of the Interior did not look good at all. The whole region around the festival location Lärz - from the CDU to the Left Party - opposed the police's exaggerated plans. Nationwide, the freedom of art and the state of freedom as a whole were discussed. Only the co-ruling SPD remained pale in its statements for the festival.
Turning point with water cannons
When research by Zeit Online found out last Monday that the police were planning with 1,000 police officers, water cannons and clearing tanks and had passed on personal data from the festival organizer to a former AfD man at the Güstrow police school , the police chief and interior minister were finally on the loose Post. From then on, the police chief even had to deal with demands for resignation. In view of the intensity of the debate, the untruths and distortions of facts in police communication did not help either. Public pressure remained high.
The rowing back of the police and interior minister in the Causa Fusion is a small victory for fundamental rights and freedoms in this country. The festival can retain its character as a free space and the omnipresence of the police and security authorities at large cultural events has, at least for the time being, been put to a stop. Caffier could, however, have such powers legally enshrined in the new SOG MV Police Act.
This year, of course, it remains to be seen whether the police will seriously return to the path of cooperative cooperation and, as a gesture of goodwill, cancel the 1,000 beds for police officers or pull out all the stops during the festival to compensate for their defeat with harassment.
A moderate, cooperative partnership would definitely be the better way, not only for the future of the festival.
Wiesbaden Courier May 24, 2019
Lorch and Oestrich-Winkel elect mayors
From Barbara Dietel
Published on May 24th, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on May 24th, 2019 at 3:50 am
A new mayor will be elected in Oestrich-Winkel on Sunday. In Lorch, incumbent Jürgen Helbing has to deal with two challengers.
Kay Tenge reacts to Werner Fladung's crossed arms with rolled up sleeves. Photo: Heinz Margielsky
OESTRICH-WINKEL / LORCH - Two more days, then the decision will be made in Oestrich-Winkel as to who will be the new mayor. As nervousness increases, so does the temptation to question the opponent's qualities. The First City Councilor Werner Fladung, the SPD candidate, spreads the CDU and FDP with foreign feathers. An example: Fladung made the beautification of the former gravel loading point his own, an idea by winemaker Max Schönleber. Fladung isn't the only one. "I will transform the gravel loading point into a lively bank of the Rhine," says Kay Tenge, a candidate for the CDU and FDP, in the election manifesto. Tenge's posters have been hanging for a long time, on which he replies to Fladungs' crossed arms with rolled up sleeves.
Fewer voters in the European elections
There are a little more than 9,370 eligible voters in Oestrich-Winkel for the mayoral election, as electoral officer Thomas Kempenich explains. For the European Parliament, which will also be elected on Sunday, only just under 9,000 voters are allowed to vote in Oestrich-Winkel. Of the 529 Union citizens in Oestrich-Winkel, only 19 applied to vote in Germany. A good 2,100 postal ballot papers were requested for the mayoral election, about as many as in the state election last year.
The 62-year-old full-time First City Councilor Fladung and the 48-year-old Idsteiner Ordnungsamtsleiter Tenge are applying to succeed Michael Heil (CDU), who is no longer available for election. No matter who wins: after 24 years, the era of CDU mayors is coming to an end in the Oestrich-Winkel town hall, which was firmly in the hands of the SPD for 23 years until 1995. Now Fladung, who was just inferior to Heil six years ago, is to recapture the town hall, in which he has been a full-time first city councilor for almost six years. The CDU and FDP, which have a coalition in the city council, rely on the non-party tenge. The term of office of the new mayor begins on September 1st.
A non-party candidate is also running in Lorch. Ivo Reßler is supported by the FWG. The 55-year-old and the SPD candidate Georg Breitwieser (70) challenge incumbent Jürgen Helbing (68), the CDU candidate who is aiming for a third term. Officially, there is a cooperation between the SPD and FWG in Lorch, but it is crumbling on all fronts.
680 citizens already have or will cast their votes by postal vote, unless they change their mind. This is how many postal ballot papers were requested from election supervisor Alexandra Berghäuser. Compared to the elections in previous years, these are fewer, she explains and hopes that this does not indicate a low turnout.
The term of office of the old or new mayor does not start until February 1st. Lorch has made use of the opportunity to combine the election with another, in this case the European election. "It was difficult enough to find election workers," explains Berghäuser. Almost all employees in the town hall are on duty, mostly as electoral officers and secretaries. "Then we won't have the running around later," said the election supervisor, who assumes that the result of the European elections in Lorch will be known around 7.30 pm. Only then can the mayoral election be counted. Citizens can follow the results in the town hall's meeting room. If no candidate has at least 50 percent plus one vote, there will be a runoff election on June 16 between the two candidates with the most votes.
In Oestrich-Winkel the decision will be made on Sunday. Because the electoral boards have been specially trained and are not in action for the first time and there are three postal voting boards, Kempenich expects a result of the European elections by 8 p.m. at the latest. Then the mayor is determined. The results are presented in the community center.
Wiesbaden Courier May 23, 2019
Lorcher mayoral candidates ask themselves questions
From Barbara Dietel
Published on May 23, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on May 24, 2019 at 1:21 pm
At the forum for the Lorch mayoral election on May 26th, there were no major differences between incumbent Jürgen Helbing and his challengers Georg Breitwieser and Ivo Reßler.
The questions posed by Kurier employee Thorsten Stötzer (left) and the head of the district editorial office Sascha Kircher (right): Georg Breitwieser, Ivo Reßler and Jürgen Helbing (from left). Photo: René Vigneron
LORCH - Develop the city further, also - but not only - with a view to the Federal Horticultural Show 2029, and at the same time keep an eye on the finances. How can this be done? Mayor Jürgen Helbing is counting on further investments by the federal and state governments, knowing full well that Lorch always has to bear his own share. His two challengers Georg Breitwieser and Ivo Reßler step on the brakes. If it were up to Reßler, the rest of the Lohwiese would be kept for the youth. The other two candidates want a facility for the elderly there. Those were the only two points in which the three candidates for the mayoral election on May 26th at the election forum of this newspaper differed fundamentally. At the event, moderated by Kurier employee Thorsten Stötzer and the head of the district editorial office, Sascha Kircher, there were only nuances of differences between the very objective applicants in the areas of social issues, urban development and finances.
The city's huge debt level has been reduced to 6.5 million euros, recalled Helbing, the CDU candidate who is running for a third term. At the same time, a lot has happened in the city. Lorch has become much more attractive for tourists. They stay more than two nights on average. The city saved a lot of money by merging sewage treatment plants and working with neighboring communities. In the future, other tasks could be done together.
Reßler, until six months ago still a CDU member, now an independent candidate, supported by the FWG, wants to plan future budgets more cautiously. "If we don't have the 25 percent equity for investments, we don't have them," he emphasized. In order to generate more income, Reßler wants to locate companies in Lorch. He thinks of a business incubator.
“I hope for digitization. It doesn't matter where the production site is, ”says Breitwieser, a candidate for the SPD, who sees potential in the settlement of businesses. Lorch also needs more residents. In the case of grants, it must always be borne in mind that they also trigger own funds. He advocated looking through everything for further sources of income, whether these were higher parking and usage fees or the introduction of a tourism tax.
When investing in tourism in the past, the citizens were a bit forgotten, explained Breitwieser, who advocated a policy of small steps to further improve the tourist offer. The city is dependent on hoteliers and winegrowers, but also on cooperation with the other municipalities in the Rheingau. All three candidates want to create additional leisure activities on the banks of the Rhine. The plan is to buy around 2.4 hectares in the Rhine facilities, according to Helbing. According to Helbing and Breitwieser's ideas, the new football field will also be built there. Reßler wants to create a park between the railway embankment and the B 42 - as an incentive for passers-by to stop at Lorch. Lorch needs more leisure activities that bring income all year round. That will also liven up the city. For the youngest applicant by far, at 55 years of age, youth belongs at the center. He is skeptical of a football field in the Rhine facilities.
Money doesn't just go to Lorch
However, all three agree again that it is not true that all the money goes to Lorch and that the districts go empty-handed. Everyone agrees that Lorch has enough daycare places. None of the candidates has a recipe against the permanent construction site on the B 42. Even not using the cycle path will be of no use, says Reßler. The biggest problem is not the bike path, but the renovation of the walls to the railway. All three candidates also consider Lorch's ability to influence the rapid removal of the level crossing in Rüdesheim to be small. Breitwieser believes that the Lorchers do not have to accept the fact that the B 42 is always closed to the “Magic Bike”, but leaves open whether he wants to do something about it.
Three candidates, many things in common. The main question on May 26th will be who the voters are most likely to trust to implement the plans.
Wiesbaden Courier May 23, 2019
Jürgen Helbing is aiming for a third term in Lorch
Published on May 23, 2019 at 2:55 am, last changed on May 23, 2019 at 3:30 am
The Mayor of Lorch Jürgen Helbing (CDU), who has been in office for eleven and a half years, still has goals that he wants to work off in another election period.
Jürgen Helbing would like to have six more years in office in order to achieve all of his goals.
LORCH - (bad). The incumbent Jürgen Helbing (CDU) planned for 18 years from the start. “In order to implement the many things that I have set myself to do.” The 68-year-old former detective, who - at that time still for the FWG - was first city councilor in Lorch for many years, has been in office for eleven and a half years. For the next and at the same time last six years, the grandfather of two grandchildren has decided to completely discharge Lorch, build a senior citizens facility and set up a medical care center. In addition, Lorch should be made fit for the Federal Horticultural Show in 2029. Helbing also considers it important that the Wisperstadt is prepared if one day, he suspects, the city exodus will begin. For this purpose, areas are to be reserved in all districts.
Wiesbaden Courier May 23, 2019
Georg Breitwieser wants to know again in Lorch
Published on May 23, 2019 at 2:50 am, last changed on May 23, 2019 at 3:30 am
The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Georg Breitwieser, wants to become mayor in Lorch.
LORCH - (bad). "The Pope is 83, and nobody asks him whether he is too old." The spiritual freshness is not a question of age, but of attitude, says Georg Breitwieser (SPD). The 70-year-old wants to take on responsibility for fun and joy, as he says. He has the necessary prerequisites: life experience, administrative experience and the ability to motivate people. The former soldier, who came to Lorch in 1968, was a graphic artist and printer and is still managing director of the AWO Rheingau-Taunus, was already active in Lorcher and district politics earlier. The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, who collects art and makes art, has twice applied to be mayor in Bad Schwalbach, without success. However, that was 20 years ago. In Lorch, shortly before the deadline, he threw his hat into the ring because he did not consider the other two candidates to be suitable.
Wiesbaden Courier May 23, 2019
Ivo Reßler wants to bring Lorch forward
Published on May 23, 2019 at 2:45 am, last changed on May 23, 2019 at 3:30 am
The independent mayoral candidate Ivo Reßler, who is supported by the FWG, sees potential for more in his new home, Lorch.
Ivo Reßler left the CDU at the end of 2018 and is now running as an independent.
LORCH - (bad). The youngest in the group of candidates is Ivo Reßler, who is 55 years old. The Wiesbaden native, who grew up in Idstein, has lived in Lorch, which he has known since his military service, since 2008. “Lorch has become our home,” explains the father of two children. That is also the reason why he is running for the office of mayor. The trained heating engineer, who studied energy and supply engineering and is now an IT system administrator, attests to himself a good dose of idealism. He says he likes to give up his work in the economy in order to do something with the people in Lorch. As mayor, he has the chance to bring Lorch forward, explains the independent candidate, who is supported by the FWG.
Wiesbaden Courier May 17, 2019
1. Creative garden café in Wollmigart
Published on May 18, 2019 at 12:00 a.m.
WOLLMERSCHIED - (red). The Kloster 9 association invites you to the 1st Creative Garden Café in the center of Wollmigart on Saturday, May 18, from 3 to 9 p.m. The program includes workshops led by two artists. For themselves or for the upcoming Tropical Tango Festival, participants can create decorative art from recyclable material or rehearse small scenes in the forest.
The creative hands-on café offers artists, musicians, self-promoters, poetry slammers, acrobats, writers, painters, photographers, dancers, yoga fans and many others a free stage for their performance. The café provides the framework, material and structure. The audience fills the artistic space. The creative garden café opens its doors on Saturday a month between May and October. Participation is free of charge.
Monastery 9 is the socio-cultural center
The creative garden café is another option to popularize young art and culture in the hinterland forest, according to Rike Kochem from the Kloster 9 association Got a socio-cultural center through the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art. According to Kochem, the projects Creative Garden Café and Tropical Tango are being funded.
Wiesbaden Courier May 17, 2019
Ivo Reßler wants to become Lorcher's mayor
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on May 17th, 2019 at 3:00 am, last changed on May 17th, 2019 at 3:50 am
Ivo Reßler is running as an independent candidate for mayor in Lorch. The 55-year-old family man, who was a CDU member until the turn of the year, is supported by the FWG.
At home on the Wisper: Ivo Reßler has lived in Lorch since 2008 and now wants to become mayor. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
LORCH - The experience factor, so Ivo Reßler estimates, is only about every fifth citizen in an election campaign. The independent candidate for the mayor's office in Lorch has never held a public mandate or office. The 55-year-old is convinced that “administration can be learned”. A CDU member until the turn of the year, he is now supported by the FWG without changing his independent status, because “I will not enter anywhere”.
Reßler introduces himself with leaflets, banners, a website and door-to-door conversations. "Older people are networked differently," he recognized and therefore relies on personal contact. Reßler is working on his level of awareness because he only moved to Lorch in 2008. The father of two children aged seven and nine should be quite familiar to the generation of family mothers and fathers, especially since he is also a trainer for children's gymnastics at TV Lorch.
Plan households cautiously
“Finances are my topic,” explains the applicant, referring to a complex that is usually difficult for Lorch. Property tax B will continue to rise and not fall for years, he fears. "The Hilchenhaus is currently only a cost factor for the city," says Reßler, which could change by relocating the tourist information office - which should also open at the weekend - to the town hall. Then in the Renaissance building, which he calls a "showcase project", more space will be available for the conference business.
On Tuesday, May 21st, at 7 p.m. in the Lorch community center, Kolpingstrasse 5, the editorial team is organizing a discussion forum with the three candidates for the mayoral election. Sascha Kircher and Thorsten Stötzer will moderate the evening, during which the citizens of Lorch can put the applicants to the test and ask questions about the topics relevant to them. Admission is from 6 p.m., entry to the event is free.
"We have to plan our households cautiously, not for maximum performance," he demands. In case of doubt, projects should be postponed and events should be marketed more broadly. Reßler emphasizes that he comes from the economy. Born in Wiesbaden and raised in Idstein, he trained as a heating engineer and studied energy and supply technology in Gießen.
In 2001 Reßler changed the subject. Today he looks after IT systems at Aareal Bank through a Mainz-based subsidiary. Strengthening Lorch's economic strength is not realistic overnight. However, he has a few ideas ready. For example, an eye-catcher on the B 42 is necessary, also with a view to the Federal Garden Show 2029. A park between the railway embankment and the main road is in mind - with a mini golf course, barefoot path or ice cream parlor as attractions. This would require private investors and operators, which would be especially true for a climbing park in the Wispertal or for a wellness hotel on the heights. For Reßler, year-round attractions are important because they have positive effects for smaller businesses. He made contacts: to the association “Future and Development” in Heidenrod, which is the sponsor of a start-up center initiative, and to Professor Wolfgang George, who advised the neighbors on this.
In everything, it is important for the independent to involve the citizens in projects at an early stage. This also applies to the social infrastructure - keyword: medical care center. Reßler can imagine housing offers for senior citizens decentralized in the city instead of on the Lohwiese. In his opinion, youth work does not necessarily have to be located at the train station. There would be alternatives in St.-Benoit-Straße or if the building yard moves to the industrial area.
Rheingau echo. Creation date: 07.03.2019 - 11:25
Gaudi festival and tropical tango
SPD Lorch sees a wide range of cultural activities in the city
Lorch. (av) - The Lorch SPD is enthusiastic about the wide range of cultural offerings that have now developed in Lorch. In addition to the offers in the area of traditional music and the cultural association, which have been a basis of the offer for many years, new cultural offers have also been added from other areas. "It is remarkable what cultural offers exist in Lorch, that applies to the city center as well as to the districts", says SPD board member Georg Breitwieser, "this is all done with great voluntary commitment and deserves our full recognition".
For this reason, it is also important to him to resolve the “Tropical Tango” conflict amicably. The SPD parliamentary group has therefore applied for the issue to be dealt with in the committees of the city council. Furthermore, one will try to have a direct conversation with the club, said Breitwieser.
Tropical Tango, like the rest of the world, is waiting for the pandemic to end. We are in contact at all levels - as far as this is currently possible - and will inform you about the current development.
The tropical tango remains optimistic. We stick around.
Alone and in space.
But with a sticker.
So that you stay in a good mood.
Thank you Matze, thank you Marius !!
Stickers by post from now on
and analogously from
Tropical Tango Jungle Office.
We hope,
that we all - including our friends outside Germany - get through this corona invasion well. Stay healthy, get well, take care of yourselves !!!! Don't kiss strange frogs !!!!
Anyway - we gonna rock it.
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Wiesbaden Courier May 15, 2019
Georg Breitwieser wants to become mayor of Lorcher
By Thorsten Stötzer
Published on May 15, 2019 at 3:00 a.m., last changed on May 15, 2019 at 3:30 a.m.
The 70-year-old Georg Breitwieser wants to become mayor for the SPD Lorcher. He wants to involve the committees more closely, expand communication and reach out to the residents.
Mayoral candidate Georg Breitwieser loves creativity, as can be seen here on his private cultural plot. Photo: Thorsten Stötzer
LORCH - When Georg Breitwieser wanted to become head of the town hall in Bad Schwalbach, Regine Hildebrandt, who became known as the Brandenburg Minister of Social Affairs, supported him and ensured that the town hall was full. Such election campaign times are over, the SPD applicants for the Lorch mayor's office are aware of that. He put on "means that suit me". “I won't suddenly be walking around in my tie and collar and making big speeches,” promises the 70-year-old. “People know who you are and with whom they are dealing.” He no longer considers experiences from his mayoral election campaigns in 1995 and 2001 in Bad Schwalbach to be useful, it was too long ago.
Displeasure with the incumbent
At all, it was not foreseeable in the long term that the Social Democrat would apply again for such a post. "We wanted to find a young candidate first," says Breitwieser, describing the situation at Lorcher SPD, which initially did not nominate anyone. Breitwieser justified the fact that he was able to stand up, on the one hand, with displeasure with incumbent Jürgen Helbing (CDU) and the candidacy of the independent Ivo Reßler, who is now supported by the FWG - he is not very suitable.
“I don't feel like 70”, asserts Breitwieser, “mental freshness is not a question of years of life”. He was "educated democratically" and used to get involved. He wants to involve the committees more closely, generally expand communication and approach the residents. Departments in the magistrate, commissions with knowledgeable citizens and a committee to be founded by the city council for the Federal Horticultural Show 2029 are elements of this. For the previous use of the Lohwiese, replacement offers were previously necessary. When the construction plans of the Vincenzstift became known, “people were simply defamed” who were critical.
On Tuesday, May 21st, at 7 p.m. in the Lorch community center, Kolpingstrasse 5, the editorial team is organizing a discussion forum with the three candidates for the mayoral election. Sascha Kircher and Thorsten Stötzer will moderate the evening, during which the citizens of Lorch can put the applicants to the test and ask questions about the topics relevant to them. Admission is from 6 p.m., entry to the event is free.
Breitwieser's political experience is great. Today he functions as the chairman of the parliamentary group in the city council as he did in 1989, when a Social Democrat became mayor of Lorch for the first time in the person of Günter Retzmann. The list of functions is long for the former soldier who moved to Ranselberg 50 years ago, where he now lives again. He wants to start with medical care. At the kindergartens, he considers city-internal bus transfers to be better than trips across the national border. A football field in the Rhine facilities would be such an alternative leisure offer. In general, Breitwieser would like to professionalize youth work. This is a mandatory task of the city, but it is not endowed with content and money. In order to implement the plans in the old goods shed at the train station, a fence may be required along the tracks.
As district chairman and currently still acting managing director of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt, he has a connection to social issues. Georg Breitwieser sees potential for building sites in two places on the Ranselberg and brings long-term lease models into play. Senior work, the municipal development concept Ikek and street renovations are also on his agenda. Everything should be brought into line with the consolidation of the budget. The SPD candidate currently misses “seriousness” and wants to focus on avoiding spending. Breitwieser believes that lighting the stalk, for example, is dispensable.