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We get out of the spacesuits and present what the tropics tango is about and invite you to travel the Milky Way together.

We fire up our spaceship at 40 stations, which we want to bring you closer to you as awesome mass puzzles on the craziest games evening of the last 4 months. Maybe you have BOCK / BÖCKIN to participate and to accompany us on the journey in our Space Arche?

At the beginning we decontaminate the past. Space shuttles have to be light.

Lara Vucemilovic celebrates shamanistic rituals for the equinox and good contact with the universe. Lara also invites you to let go of the old in the shamanistic ritual, for example to hand something old over to the cleansing fire or to write old spiritual prass on small pieces of paper and let it pass in the fire.

And then easier and off into the galaxy! Last days in civilization. The astronaut helmets are cleaned. Unknown vastness!


Preliminary music and workshop program


Barfoon - Ska-Punk

Arman - acoustics from Iran

Temple of free Sound and Beats - session music

Zione - spontaneous music

Herr von Bauch


Lara Vucemilovic - Shamanistic rituals for the equinox


Inox Kapell - Performance Workshop

Extinction Rebellion - Discussion Workshop

ConAct - information about the psychological and medical care of the Chilean activists. Donation waffle stand

Cyperus Naturschutzverein - contact point for the preservation of the eastern field in Wiesbaden - call for the city council meeting on March 26th for the protection and preservation of water sources and habitats / eastern field


A lot has happened lately. If you want to do a workshop / information booth, you can register at short notice via

Only Corana can stop us now. After all, we mostly take place outside. You never now. Do not endanger yourself or others under any circumstances (-:

The Tropen Tango Crew is looking forward to you (-: Because smoke signals and bush drums say: Spring is coming to us. We bring the Tropical Tango to the people. Spontaneous, intergalactic, together towards the universe. Tiger Style one seed, one trunk Tree, a branch, a leaf!

Be water. Think different, be outside the box. Be part of our impro-orchestra without submarine water pressure. Space shuttle start at 2 p.m. Join our universe.


Entry against donation

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